eight: secrets

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almost 500 reads? seriously, thank you guys so much for reading, it means so much to me 🥰 i hope you like this chapter!

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"Yeah, and I'm Black Widow. Now what is your problem? I can literally see that you want me, and I'm telling you that I want you."

"No, I'm not kidding. I'm Spider-Man." Peter slides out from underneath MJ, who is seemingly confused out of her mind.

He walks across his room and pulls a string hanging in his closet, revealing a secret compartment where his suit was hanging. Grabbing it, he walks back over to MJ and holds it up.

"This, is my secret."

She doesn't say anything for a second, she just scans her eyes over the suit, looking for a sign of it being a costume— A fake. When she doesn't find one, she stands up.

"Peter, what the heck?"

"What?! You wanted to know!"

"Jesus christ... You're really him?"


MJ's breathing noticeably becomes a lot quicker, and she basically flops backwards onto his bed. Sitting up, she can't take her eyes off of the suit in his hands.

"Are you okay?" Peter drops the suit and rushes to her side, thinking she was having some sort of anxiety attack or something.

"I don't know. It's a lot. This is really a lot to process," MJ mumbles, gesturing to the suit. "You almost get killed, like every day."

"I've pretty much gotten the hang of it. It's almost perfectly safe."

"Peter... I'm always such a jerk to you—"

"Woah, that is so untrue."

"Okay, fine. I'm a jerk to everyone, but I especially didn't like you, because I knew that you lied to people close to you, and I thought you were just a bad person, until I got to know you, of course, but this— You... You go out all night, every night, risking your life for the sake of people that you don't even know..."

"It's just a hobby. No big deal."

"Peter, It's a huge deal. Does May know? Ned?"

"Ned knows. May... I don't think she knows. She caught me in the suit once, but I played it off as a Halloween costume."

"You could die! What if you did die? I would have no idea. I'd go to the academic decathlon meeting and complain about how you skipped another meeting and call you a loser when in reality, you're dead. And Ned would know, but he wouldn't say anything, of course, because it's your secret."

"MJ... Everything's okay."

"No, everything is not okay. Why is this stressing you out so much if everything is so okay? What's so bad about it? If you were telling the truth about it being completely safe, then you wouldn't have gotten wasted and sobbed into my shoulder about how your life is a mess and everything is too much for you to handle."

He sits down next to her. "It's so hard, keeping up this double life. I just... I want to scream out to the world, tell everyone that I'm Spider-Man, tell them that I don't want to hide anymore, but I can't, because that would put people like you in danger. And when the crimes pile up... It's almost like I can't breathe. Feeling the need to help everyone, all the time... It's not a great feeling to have. Ever since the Vulture was put away, I've had this overwhelming sense of uselessness, and knowing that I'm unable to help anyone until another villain shows up is more stressful than you can imagine."

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