11 | friend

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Midoriya Izuku


A shrill pained scream shoots through his head and wakes him up from one of his best dreams. With his mind still fuzzy, he barely manages to process whose this scream can pierce the night in such a way. It can be a neighbour because when he checks, his mother is still overcome with heavy sleep he wishes he has at the moment.

He knows no female neighbours except...Oh God. Drowsiness gone, he hurriedly puts on his slippers and mutters some prayers that he isn't too late. That scream indicated pain and hurt and he isn't sure yet if there's someone in her flat. He doesn't want to impulsively call the police either but he keeps his phone carefully tucked in his pyjamas' pockets. He snatches the keys and locks the door of his flat behind him. He has to be cautious after all.

Nearing her door, he can hear whimpers and a soft muffled thud of a body hitting the floor. But he hears no one. Only Emi-chan's sharp heavy breaths. By that time, his forehead is coated with sweat and feels the t-shirt he's wearing sticking to his back and chest in the most uncomfortable way possible. He actually regrets his wish for heavy sleep.

He lowers his ready fist and knocks carefully. A gasp followed by quick footsteps. He shyly looks down as he hears her stop and assumes she's looking through the eye. The door clicks open and he raises his eyes to meet peaceful ones.

Or maybe peaceful for show.

"Izuku-kun?" she mutters, probably trying to hide how hoarse her voice from crying which Izuku thinks is weird because she could've easily pretended she's just woken up. But waking up from a knock. Forget that, Emi-chan isn't stupid and knows that her scream reached him. That's other than the fact that- "Izuku-kun?"

He snaps out his thoughts and laughs nervously. "Are you okay, Emi-chan? What was that scream? Is there someone here?"

"Yes, don't worry about the scream and no, there isn't anyone here," she says, her words stopping him from trying to look past her.

"But." He takes a good look. She was wearing sweatpants and a normal t-shirt that has some of what he assumes are sweat stains. Her eyes are bloodshot, intensifying in the moonlight. She's paler than she should be and her hands are trembling. Izuku is no expert but he's seen those signs before and read about them a lot. "Emi-chan, do you have night terrors?"

"No, no, just a nightmare," she says, her voice finally raising itself to its usual volume. Izuku sighs in relief and watches as she bites her bottom lip and looks down at her feet. "I'm just not used to living alone."

"Oh, ah, um Emi-chan?" His body turns red at what he's about to suggest. "I can stay until you fall asleep if that would help."

"That would help so much actually," Emi-chan breathes out, stepping to the side for him. She runs her fingers through her hair and winces. Izuku assumes that it's in knots.

Izuku has never been in a girl's apartment, let alone a girl's bedroom.

Please spare my 15-year-old virgin heart

She walks past him to her bedroom. She's so unsteady Izuku keeps close to her in case she falls. She does fall but on her bed so that's no problem. She tucks herself in. Izuku awkwardly stands there in the dark.

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