Up & Coming Pt. 2

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Brandi's POV

I walked downstairs in my red dress and heels ready to leave. I noticed Mama and Darius and rolled my eyes.

"Where you think you going dressed like that?" She asked crossing her arms.

"A party." I mumbled.

"Mhm." She said eyeing me. "Be back here before 1, understand?"

"Yeah." I said walking out.

I drove there and walked up to the door. A tall dark skin boy answered.

"Hey ma." He smiled at me.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"You here for the party." He lead me in.

"Yeah, where's Chris." I said looking around.

"He outside, but this is Sinko, Bobby and Big Nosta." He said pointing. I hugged them all and they were pretty cool.

"I'm Lo by the way." he said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Lo, I'm Brandi."

"Nice to meet you beautiful, the drinks and shit in the kitchen." he said taking my phone from my hand.

"What the fuck, gimme my phone."

He shook his head. "Just to be safe, no pictures and no funny shit."

I nodded and walked towards the side doors. I understood, if I were Chris I wouldn't want no bitches all over me with that bullshit either.

I was just looking up at the stars and standing there thinking. I then paid attention to the skyline. There was a big world out there and I had passed up so many opportunities because of my mother, I needed better for me and Briana.

"Brandi." I heard a voice behind me. I turned and Chris stood there in a black hoodie.

"Hey." I smiled. He smiled back and walked up hugging me.

"You look beautiful." he said.

"You think so? I thought it was too much." I did a little spin. He stared at me licking his lips.

"Nah it's just enough." he said sitting down and lighting his blunt.

"Ok." I said sitting beside him, completely ignoring his comment.

He focused on his phone and I thought I saw him aim it towards me.

"What are you doing."

"Nothin." he said. I sighed and sat back.

"So what's up wit you." he asked.

"Nothin really, I think Ima start moving out tomorrow."

He gave me a worried look. "What? Why? Did that nigga do sum to you? Brandi I swear to god I will kill that motherfucker-"

"No Chris, Briana and I need something different."

"Oh." he nodded and lit his blunt. "So you just want your own type of thing."

"Yeah basically." I said. He nodded again.

I stood up and stretched after a while. "Well Chris Ima go head and leave, I have to go house hunting." I said walking away, he pulled me back.

"No stay just a lil bit longer, I wanted to spend a lil time with you."

"Chris it's at least 15 other bitches in there, just spend time with them."

"No foreal Brandi, I wanted you to stay with me, they just bitches but you sum special." he said mumbling the last part.

I smiled as he took my hand. "Chris that's sweet but I really got to go."

"How about I go with you."

"Wait Chris I meant in the morning not tonight."

"We can just go look." he said smiling.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand taking me inside.

"Lo!" he yelled.

"What nigga!" he responded from far off.

"I'll be back, don't burn my damn house down!"

"Whatever fuck nigga!"


"Yup, I eat it!" Lo yelled back. All the boys laughed.

"Ready." he said getting his keys.


We rode for a while until he turned on Thriller by Michael Jackson. He let down the windows and turned it up. He took my hand and started to sing to me.

"It's close to midnight, and something evil is lurking in the dark." he sung sweetly to me. I just laughed.

"Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart." he sung the whole song. I wasn't surprised he knew all the words, he was a Michael Jackson fanatic.

After a while of riding we just walked around the area and saw a few spots, since it was so late everything was closed. We took note of places we saw and eventually headed back to his house.

"I had a good time with you tonight Chris." I said smiling as we got out the car.

"I had a good time wit you too shawty." he said taking my hand and leading me back to the pool.

"Well when can I see you again." I asked.

He stared at me moving closer to my face. "Whenever you want, I'm usually here, unless I'm doing a show or sum shit."

I nodded. "So can I call you."

"You can do more than that." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "You too much to deal with."

"You like it." he said with a chuckle.

"Maybe I do." I said with a smile looking away.

He smiled back and walked up to me. "What you tryna say."

"I don't know, maybe I like you." I said looking down.

"Maybe I like you too." he lifted my head to look at him.

"Chris.." I said.

He smiled and gently kissed my lips. I was too hypnotized to kiss him back.

He pulled away and just looked at me. "What's wrong."

I just smiled at him. He smiled back and picked me up bridal style before kissing me again.

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