Impulsive Pt. 2

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Chris' POV

I woke up the next morning and Alyssia was laying on my chest. My arm was around her and she had a tight grip on me, I couldn't even move but I couldn't help but smile.

"Wake up." I shook her lightly.

She groaned then her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning."

"Mornin', go wash up and get ready."

"Get ready for what." she asked sitting up.

"We gotta go check on the baby." I stood up and stretched.

"You don't have to do this Chris, just drop me off at home and I'll go to the clinic myself." she looked up at me.

I walked up to her and looked at her in the eyes. "What did I tell you last night."

"That you wasn't gon let him do that to me no more."

"So why the fuck you think I'ma let you go home to his sorry ass?" I asked, she looked down.

I sat beside her and raised her head. "Like I told you, nothing to feel sorry about cuz this shit ain't your fault no matter what. And I know we not used to each other yet but I'ma ride for you."

She smiled at me. "Thank you."

"No problem, now go wash up, stank breathe." I said. She smacked her teeth and punched me in the arm making me laugh.

While she did that I went to my closet and picked out my outfit. I grabbed a black, red and white shirt with matching jacket, some light blue jeans and black vans. I laid it out, grabbed my phone then went downstairs to the kitchen.

I was making waffles when my phone rung. "Hello." I answered without looking.

"Hey babe." Karrueche said. Oh shit.

"Um.. hey babe, wassup." I said going to the living room.

"Nothing I just called to see what you was doing, I was wondering if I could some see you cuz I miss you."

I smiled and was about to say yes until I thought about Alyssia. "Ion know about that, baby girl."

"Why not? You got a show or something?"

"Nah but I got something I need to take care of.. Can we try another day."

"Sure but I have photo-shoots coming up so I don't know how much time we'll have." she said with a sigh.

I sighed too. "Well.. how about you come over at like 10 tonight, I'll be free then."

"Yay!" she squealed making me laugh.

"See you later babe." I said then hung up.

"Chris!" I heard Alyssia coming down the stairs.

"Wassup." I said as she walked up to me.

"I'm done." she said. She had covered her bruises with make-up, and she wore a red hoodie with dark blue jeans and red vans.

"You look pretty." I said hugging her.

"Thank you, who was that on the phone." she asked.

"My girlfriend." I said.

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Girlfriend? I should probably leave, then."

"No.. I wanna make sure you're okay first." I said looking her up and down.

She smiled at me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I smiled back.

"I guess I should get my stuff then." she said going back upstairs.

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