Picking & Choosing Pt. 2

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Chris' POV

I woke up the next day and took a quick shower. I got dressed, grabbed my keys and book bag then went downstairs. My dad was sitting in the living room drinking coffee and reading a book.

We agreed that I would have upstairs and he would have downstairs. The only times I would come down is to leave and get shit from the kitchen, of course.

I went and got a blueberry muffin and a bottle of orange juice then headed for the door. "I'm finna leave, Dad."

"Have a good day, son." he said as I walked out.

When I got to school I seen Serenity and Kanai standing together. Serenity was holding hands with a boy, who I'm guessing is Travis. Not like I give a fuck cuz I'm still getting some pussy from her. And I can fight.

"Hey Chris." Kanai smiled at me.

"Wassup." I gave her a hug.

"I see you two met." Serenity said smirking at me.

"Hey." I said to her.

"Hi." she said giving me a side hug. Now she wanna act funny cuz her nigga right here.

"Oh yeah, Chris this is Travis." Kanai said.

"Wassup." he said.

"Nice meeting ya." I mumbled shaking his hand.

"You got most of your classes with Serenity today." Kanai said as we walked away from them.

"Man that's fucked up, I can't even see my baby today." I said grabbing her hand.

She smiled. "If I'm your baby then why the fuck you ain't text me back last night."

"Cuz I fell asleep."

"Mhm." she said as the bell rung.

"See you at lunch aight." I said.

"Okay." she smiled as I kissed her then walked away.


Serenity and I sat on the bleachers in the gym in second period. She had changed into a Nike sports bra with matching leggings, and that shit was turning me on.

We walked around the gym while the other students did other shit. "So how long you and Travis been together." I asked her.

"Since freshman year, on and off." she said.

I nodded. "Oh okay."

We kept walking until she tugged on my sleeve. "Come here right quick." she pointed to an equipment closet.

"For what."

"I need you to help me carry some stuff for the next class." she said.

I nodded and followed her. She quickly looked around then pulled me inside.

I was about to lift some jump ropes and basketballs until she knocked them out my hand and stared at me. "What you doing?" I asked looking at her crazy.

"Shhh." she said pushing me against the wall.

I watched as she unbuckled my pants and got on her knees. "What is you doing?" I asked again.

She just smiled at me and pulled my boxers down. As she did it Kanai flooded my mind. How she gon feel about her best friend doin this shit? Better yet, how she gon feel about me letting her do this shit?

As much as I wanted to stop her, I just couldn't.


I walked in the cafeteria and went to the table Kanai and Serenity was at. I looked up and Serenity was in Travis' lap. She smiled at me and licked her lips. That shit would usually turn me on but I'm disgusted with her ass right now.

"Hey baby boy." Kanai said holding out her arms. I smiled and hugged her. Dat shit made me feel better.

"This is Tyga." she said pointing to a light skin boy.

"Wassup, forgive me if I forget your name cuz I'm high as fuck." he said.

I laughed. "You good."

We sat there talking until the bell rung. I grabbed Kanai's hand and we walked out.

"Aye Tyga, you wanna go smoke?" I asked.

"Hell yeah." he said.

We was about to walk in the building until Serenity ran up to us. "Chris come on, we got 5th period together." she winked.

I sighed. "Nah, I'm finna leave with Kanai and Ty." I already know what type of sneaky shit she on.

"Okay." she held her head down and started walking away.

"Chris can Serenity come, please?" Kanai begged me.

I sighed again. "Whatever." I mumbled.

Me, Kanai and Serenity rode together and Tyga and Travis rode together. My Dad called me on the way to Ty's house.

"Wassup." I answered.

"I got a woman coming in town today, I ain't gon be at home till tomorrow evening." he said.

I laughed. "Still a player, huh."

"Hell yea, we'll talk later." he laughed then hung up.

We ended up going to my house and me and Tyga sat outside smoking while Serenity and Kanai was in the living room watching TV. Travis had somewhere to go, so it was just us.

"So wassup with you and Kanai." Ty asked passing the blunt.

"That's my shawty."

He chuckled. "Already? After a day?"

I laughed. "Hell yeah, can't let em be single too long. They'll start thinking."

He laughed too. "What about Serenity, why you be acting like that towards her. You like her."

I sighed. "More like lust. And nah, cuz of what she did."

"What her hoe ass did this time."

"Went down on me." I said passing the blunt.

He raised his eyebrows. "Gotdamn, foreal? When?"

"During gym, she pulled me to a closet and did it."

He shook his head. "Her and Travis got a weird ass relationship. They fuck other folks, then fuck each other."

I shook my head. "But why she do this when she know I'm messin wit Kanai."

He shrugged. "Jealous."

We sat there smoking for another 10 minutes till they walked outside.

"We finna go Chris." Kanai said.

"Already." I wrapped my arms around her.

"Yeah I gotta watch my lil brother today."

"Aight." I kissed her and she walked away. I watched as Serenity hugged me, gripped my print then walked away.

I just shook my head. Nasty ass girl.

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