13. the dream

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Hellooooooo readers! I've been working on this chapter for hours and I have a headache and I'm so so so glad that this chapter is finished. Let's get right to it!


The Blue Fairy's eyebrows were furrowed, her face coated in a greasy layer of stress. "Gaston? Back from the dead?" Her wings kept fluttering back and forth, shooting handfuls of dust this way and that. "Are- are you sure that you saw him, Ivory? Did you know for sure that you didn't imagine it?"

I opened my mouth, ready to correct her for her misuse of my nickname, but I clamped my mouth shut. "I know what I saw," I answered. "I- I haven't seen that man anywhere before, so it's not like I could have imagined him."

"More monster than man," I heard Belle hiss, a hand pressed to her forehead.

We were in the room where I'd met with the royals earlier that day. The Blue Fairy was the only one there, which was a good thing, I supposed. I really wasn't in the mood to be interrogated by a bunch of beautiful women in ball gowns.

The fairy shook her head, her hair swaying from side to side and brushing against her cheeks. "Why, such a thing is impossible! I've heard of teleportation and time travel and whatnot- but resurrection? Simply impossible!"

"Apparently, it isn't impossible to Gaston," I said. I felt as though my heartstrings had twisted themselves into knots. With each passing hour, the amount of stress that had formed within me continued to build itself up, and now that the moon could be seen hanging just above the horizon, I felt as though I were going to explode.

Odelia's grip tightened around the end of her wand. "No. No, he couldn't have resurrected himself. Someone must have done it for him. Self-resurrection is even more unlikely to have happened."

Belle shook her head. "Gaston doesn't have any magical powers or a dark past. Or close allies, for that matter. Well, allies that we know of." I heard her gulp, and could practically feel her tension wafting around in the air. As Belle had told me just minutes ago, Gaston had once attempted to harm her husband and had nearly succeeded in murdering him, which was an obvious reason as to why she was so afraid. "No one would have any motivation to resurrect him."

The Blue Fairy lifted up a hand and began to massage her forehead, creases lining the space above her eyebrows. "I don't know, your majesty. I just don't know."

And if the most powerful woman in the galaxy doesn't know what to do, we're all screwed.

"Queen Belle," Odelia said, gaining Belle's full attention, "tell Mushu to awaken the guards. Order them to find a man with long, dark hair and a muscular build who goes by the name of Gaston. Have them bring him to the castle and lock him in the western prison tower. We'll interrogate him tomorrow morning." The fairy let a thin breath of air slide out from the thin space between her lips. "We need answers as soon as possible."

"Excellent plan, your highness," the Queen of France replied. "I'll see to it right away." With a steady breath of air and a determined glance upwards, Belle pushed her chair back and stood up, making her way towards the door at the other end of the room. Before pressing her fingers against the door, she turned her head and shot a smile in my direction. "Good night, Ivy."

I nodded. "Good night, Belle."

And with a final toss of chestnut brown hair, Belle was gone.

Odelia wasted no time in clearing away the silence that had come up between us. "You should make your way back to your bedroom, Ivy," she suggested. "After everything that's happened today, I can only assume that you're quite tired."

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