Part 6

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After Hunter left, you feel the air shifting between Finn and Bayley, it was almost awkward with a hint of sexual tension, that has always been there between the two. "So?" Bayley started then trailed off not knowing what to say.

Finn just smiled, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "it could be fun." Bayley leaned into him subconsciously and laid her head in the crook of his neck. Finn could swear she could hear how fast his heart was hammering in his chest, he only hoped that she doesn't say anything.

"It could be fun, I mean I have been wanting to branch away from the happy go lucky girl that they have me portraying." She took a deep breath, "I guess I'm just worried that I won't live up to everyone expectations of me. I mean can I play that character well enough that the fans will actually believe it?"

Finn shifted a little, so it was almost like they were laying down on the couch, "well one thing is our chemistry is through the roof most days, and as far as you being good enough to be in the Balor Club, Bayley you're an amazing wrestler. You're also an amazing leader, I've seen you around the performance center helping the newer athletes coming into the business, and every day you amaze me." He started rubbing his hand up and down her back, and couldn't help but think, 'I wonder if this is how it's going to be pretending to be a couple,'

Bayley lifted her head, and for the first time it was like she was seeing Finn as somebody other than her best friend, she was seeing him as a potential lover/boyfriend, and that thought didn't scare her as much as she thought it would. "You're right. It's time for me to start believing in myself as much as you believe in me." He grinned at her, and pulled her towards him, she clumsily fell back against him.

"Are you calling Hunter or am I?" he asked.

"I guess I should considering I was the one on the fence about the whole thing. God, I wonder what my new ring attire will look like then." She went to stand up and stretch, and in doing so, her tank top shifted up and he saw her hip tattoo. He reached up to touch it and when he did, it sent shocks of fire spreading through Bayley's body. She whimpered a little and he withdrew his hand.

"When did you get that?" he inquired while pointing toward it while trying not to let her whimper get to him.

She glanced down and shrugged, "about a week ago. Still hurts a little especially with my ring attire. But it is almost done healing." She rubbed her new tattoo, and remember what it said, 'Life is beautiful and worth living.' "I had to remember that I had this entire life to live yet and that I shouldn't give up no matter what anyone thinks or says about me." While explaining that she was busy unlocking her phone to call Hunter.

Finn just sat on the couch and watched her. He really doesn't know how he is going to be able to keep his feelings to himself once they start this storyline, and he doesn't know if it's a good thing or bad thing. All Finn knows is that somewhere along the way, he started to fall for Bayley. It didn't happen all at once like everyone would think, no it was the small smiles she would give him when they pass each other in the hall. It was the late-night conversations they would have about random stuff, and the early morning breakfasts and workouts. It's the way she still goes out of her way to make sure he has a smile on his face, even if her day has been hell. He must've zoned out because he was brought back to the now when Bayley through a towel at him. "Huh? What?"

Bayley doubled over in laughter at the look of confusion on Finn's face. Once she regained control she said, "I just got off the phone with Hunter, and apparently they want to start this angle as soon as possible." She walked over and stood in front of Finn and reached for his hands, "like as soon as we walk out those doors, there is going to be a cameraman filming us. So, we have to look like a couple when we walk out that door."

Finn took her hand and hauled himself up off the couch, "that's not a problem, right?" He then wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. "We walk out of here with our arms wrapped around each other, calling each other pet names or some shit like that." He looked down at her and saw that she wasn't so sure, "hey we got this." He pulled her to him and felt her nod against his chest. "You ready?" He asked as he walked them toward the door, he placed his free hand on the doorknob, "last chance to back out."

Bayley felt a nervous energy run through her body, but she didn't let it stop her. She looked directly at Finn and said, "lead the way babe." The look on his face was adorable, he had this huge megawatt smile, and his eyes sparkled.

Finn opened the door and they walked out in the hallway with his arm around her shoulders, and her arm around his waist. The cameraman was instantly in their faces, and Finn stopped and said, "mind getting the camera out of our faces?" Then turned to Bayley who looked completely out of her comfort zone, "You okay baby?"

It was like her whole demeanor changed when he called her baby, she broke out into a smile and blushed a little. "Yeah, Hun I'm okay. Can we just grab our bags and go home?" She asked as they started making their way down the hall towards her locker room, where he dropped his bags off earlier.

"you took the words right out of my mouth A ghrá."

Bayley's heart leapt up into her throat at the sound of the Irish Gaelic word for love, without thinking too much about it she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. When she pulled back she could see a hint of color in Finn's cheeks meaning he was blushing, 'that's so cute.' They continued to walk down the hallway, and then shortly stopped so Finn could grab their things.

While Finn was in grabbing his things, Bayley stood out in the hallway. "Bayley, can I have a word with you?" She looked up to see Renee Young standing in front of her. Bayley smiled, "sure."

"So, as we just saw, those were some special names you and Finn were throwing around just a while ago. Would you like to say anything regarding that?"

Bayley wanted the floor to open and swallow her whole, she took a deep breath and was getting ready to respond, when she felt arms wrap around her waist and pull her back.

"You ready babe?"

Bayley looked back at Finn, "Um yeah." She turned back to Renee and said, "all I can say is it's new." The new 'couple' turned and walked away.

Once they were out of camera distance, they both broke out in laughter. "That was great," Finn exclaimed, "this is going to be so much fun." Bayley nodded in agreement. But while they were walking away from the building, neither realized that their arms were still around each other's waist.

They reached Bayley's rental car, she turned in his arms and looked up at him. Her eyes met his gaze and she could've sworn his eyes turned a darker blue. "Finn..." she started to say but she was cut off by shouting. Bayley turned to see Karl and Luke walking towards them.

Finn smiled down at her, "time to meet the rest of the guys." He turned her around and had her lean against him, and for a moment they completely forgot that they were playing a couple, instead of being a real couple. He rested his chin her shoulder and waited for the guys to walk over to them, "you okay?" he whispered in her ear.

She nodded and wrapped her arm over the arm that was wrapped around her waist. "Just trying to figure this out. Do we act like a couple around them or what?" She felt Finn tighten his grip around her waist, and quickly take a deep breath.

"I think we should because around them we are a couple. But it's ultimately up to you." He admitted and quickly kissed the side of her head as Karl and Luke got closer.

Bayley just nodded her head, "How about I just follow your lead? At least until I am surer of myself around them." She tilted her head up to look at him, to see if he was okay with what she just said.

Finn was about to say something but was interrupted when Luke walked up to him, "Finn, just heard from Hunter that we are getting the club back together. How awesome is that?"

"Yeah I mean I am so pumped up to get the Balor club together, and it's supposed to be one dominating faction." Came the voice of Karl. Karl then looked at Bayley in Finn's arms and smiled, "Welcome to the club Bayley."

Bayley smiled up at Karl and said, "thank you. So, do either of you know when this is supposed to go down?"

Luke smiled at Finn, and spoke before he could think about what was being said, "so you finally got your head out of your ass and asked her out?"

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