"mHmmm fuck yesssss dadddy!!" spongebob screamed in pleasure while on tOp of tHe plAygRounD iN mCdOnaLds.
"yOu liKe tHaT hUh sPonGbooB" sHreK yelled.
"yEeSss hArdEr, hArdErrrr!!!!!!!!!!1!1!"
sHreK wAs iN a TuTu aNd hEeLys wHile fUcKinG sPonGebOb wiTh a BibLe. ShReK haD nO luBe, sO hE coVeRed thE biBBle wiTh hiS spit. SpOngEbOb wHimpEreD. ShreK's biBle wAs gOinG in and oUt oF sPonGebOobs mAn puSsy sO fAst, sO iNteNse thAt sPongEbOb's cUm fLeW aLl tHe wAy OnTo tHe ceiLing. ShReK threw SponGeboB dowN fRoM tHe tOp oF the PlAyGroUnd aNd cRawLed uP tHe wALLs liKe a sPider and Licckkkkkedd thE cuM oFf tHe ceiLing.
"YummmmmMm," sHreK exCLaimEd.
sHreK jUmpEd baCk dOwn tO tHe gRounD, piCkEd spOngebOb up, aNd fLew AwAy into the sunset!1!!11one!!!!1!
and theY burned to death.
hAhhahHahhaaha LOllILolololoOoOoL JKJK
theY diDntbut while spongebob was being fucked with the bible there were tons of customers just watching the show and covering their children's eyes.
sHreK aNd sPoNgEbOb: a mAtCh mADe iN hEaVeN!!1!!1111!one1!oneone!!1one
Hài hước(WRITTEN OCTOBER 2018 during middle school. read at your own risk.) princess fiona and patrick are not welcome here they can go suck their first cousin's ass