In the Beginning

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Darkness, and pitch black. It was all that was there. A few flickers of light and something was created – a small cave in the middle of nothing. A few mushrooms gave off a blue light before suddenly turning pink as something else was created. A pink circle at first, then two spiky arms and circular fingers, then two horns, a sharp-toothed mouth, and a singular eye. He seemed angry from the start for no reason – he lashed out and crushed a mushroom, shooting lasers at the walls of the closed off cavern before something caught his attention.

Something else had been created beside him – a person. He stopped raging for a moment, angry expression turning to a curious one, before lightly nudging them with a spiked hand. They person woke up with a gasp, looking around. Where were they? What happened? All the questions stopped as their eyes landed on the pink shape before them. Its attention seemed to be completely on them, and they looked away for a moment. The pink shape began to speak however – his voice echoing a bit in the cavern, "Who are you?" He asked. The person looked back up at him, "Spow is my name," she said after a moment.

The anger in the atmosphere was gone by now – replaced by a sort of calmness. "I'm King," the pink shape said. "Where are we...?" Spow asked again, nodding in acknowledgement of his name. "Nowhere? A void?" King said in an unsure tone. It seemed even he didn't know. Spow walked around the cavern a bit, confused on why she was brought here. King stopped staring finally and looked at one of the pink mushrooms. He looked a bit confused before he flicked the mushroom away, catching Spow's attention from the small noise it made when it hit the cavern floor.

The silence was slightly awkward, so Spow sat down. It seemed there was nothing much else they could do. King laid down, his arms holding up his circular head. "How long do you think we'll be here?" Spow asked, though she already knew the answer. "I...don't know," King said, admittedly, "Hopefully not long." He added. Spow nodded in agreement and yawned a bit. "Tired already, huh? Though you just got here?" King smirked a bit, letting a smug comment slip out. Spow chuckled, "I guess so...Maybe it's the darkness that's making me tired..." She looked at the ground.

King shuffled around a bit before nodded, "Yeah...huh...feel free to sleep I guess. We don't know how long we'll be here." Spow nodded as well, "Yeah...I'll try and sleep. Don't know how well I'll do in a new place," she said with a nervous smile. King laughed, "Well, seeing you're my only company...I won't bite." Spow was glad her only company was in a good mood. He seemed so angry when she first got there, but immediately calmed down after he noticed her.

Spow laid down – the cavern floor was uncomfortable, but it's not like there was anything better to sleep on. She closed her eyes and after a while of seeming asleep, she heard movement and felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She kept her eyes closed, but let a slight smile slip out. At least it was more comfortable than the cavern floor. She finally drifted to sleep, and so did King.

They awoke after who knows how long, chatting a bit more and getting to know each other bit by bit. She now knew why King was so angry – he had been banished here by a mythical figure called the Treeangle for trying to destroy it. Spow, on the other hand, had no clue why she was there. She had lost most memories. Soon, the two got used to each other's company. They'd fall asleep together for warmth and comfort and, finally, something new happened.

The cavern wall broke down. A tiny neon blue square stood outside. It seemed King recognized this figure and immediately went into a rage. He swatted and shot at the square, but it seemed to dodge all his attacks. King let out one last array of attacks before being defeated by his own arms hitting him. Everything went white and chipped away. Spow awoke once more in a new cavern. The mushrooms were a blue color again and the floor seemed to be made of smooth crystals. There also seemed to be a way out, but...where was King?

Spow looked around before seeing a gray, spiky creatures that slightly resembled what King's arms looked like. She sat down beside the figure that seemed to be sleeping and laid down. Everything that just happened was a bit much for her to take in. Hopefully King would be back soon, and they could go out of the cave together...

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