I Got Carried Away Dammit

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After King's rise to an almost god-like form named Annihilate, most knew who had won the battle of pink and blue. There were few un-corrupt members of Paradise left, but those who were definitely talked back and forth. They kept each other in the know of the status of Annihilate, and sometimes even mentioned Spow. Many found her laughable – likely from her height, and they saw none of what Annihilate saw in her.

With the defeat of the neon blue square, and Annihilate attacking the other three shapes trying to help it, he decided the fight was finally over. It was obvious. The next two days he spent relaxing with Spow on top of the tower – he needed it after the fight. Funny how such a tiny square could take so much energy out of him. Either way, relaxing was nice. Stress was lower than ever and he could finally do more things with Spow they couldn't before. Like taking more strolls around Paradise, or helping her learn to repair any broken factory parts. They could sleep in without the possibility of being attacked, and it was amazing. This morning, the two decided to go out for another stroll near the volcano.

However, once the two got down and started making their way towards the distant volcano in the corrupt ocean, they felt something was off. In the water there was corrupted Wiggles jumping around in the waves – all was fine there. Until Spow stopped walking. A non-corrupt Wiggle jumped out of a dead bush and hissed, "Look who's here! The midget and the abomination!" Most Wiggles were usually happy-go-lucky 24/7, but for whatever reason this one had the opposite of a happy expression or good intention. It was angry. Two more Wiggles – this time green in color – jumped out. Spow clenched her fist at the name they called her, "Height has nothing to do with strength," Spow spat, "Ugh, why should I care about what some stupid Wiggles have to say anyways," she huffed. "Because you're less powerful than you think – what all have you done?! You leave the abomination to fight off blue shapes on his own and sit back? Besides, if you did fight I'm sure you'd get knocked down quickly. Shorter height means the closer to the ground you are. Easier to make you fall," the Wiggles laughed and Spow looked away. "That's untrue," she spat, "All of what you just said..." The Wiggles cackled some more, "Prove it then, shorty!"

Annihilate had a shocked expression for a second – it couldn't have been his corruption that made them like this, or they would be treating Spow with more respect. Were they just defected Wiggles? Somehow not killed in the factory before they were released into Paradise? Disgusting. "You three SHUT IT," Annihilate roared, his spiky, segmented body arching menacingly. The Wiggles stopped laughing and one huffed, "Or what? You gonna kill us? What point would that prove?" It laughed. "It'll prove that ANYONE who is mean to MY Spow will be DESTROYED," Annihilate moved closer, clenching his fangs in anger. Spow looked up at him, "No – Annihilate it's okay..." Spow trailed off a bit. He looked to Spow and his expression changed to a reassuring one for a second, "It's not okay Spow. I got this."

The Wiggles backed away a bit, "Square up, then! Your little 'Spow' can't even stand up for herself how pathetic," one giggled. That was it. Annihilate lashed forward and bit one clean in half. The other two backed away a bit more before he whipped his spiky 'tail' segment into another – smashing the Wiggly into the ground and shattering it. Spow backed up a bit, looking down to not show she was upset. Annihilate looked at the last one – the one that was the worst by far. Its angry expression changed to a scared one. "You. Best for last," Annihilate hissed. The Wiggly tried to remain confident, "Well, I am the best!" It shrugged, starting to shake a bit. Annihilate laughed in his corrupted-sounding voice and leaned back, one of his spiky segments shaking a bit as two spiky centipedes burst out of it. Pink blood dripped and the Wiggly screamed as the centipedes lashed forward, biting the Wiggly before its screaming subsided ever so slowly.

Annihilate huffed a bit as he looked to Spow, regenerating the burst segment of his. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" He asked softly. Spow didn't respond for a moment, but finally looked up with tears streaming down her face. Annihilate's eyes widened for a moment before he leaned forward, "Darling it's going to be okay." Spow shrugged, "M-Maybe they're right...I'm useless," Spow sobbed a bit. "No. Don't listen to those defects," Annihilate said as he tilted Spow's head up to look at him with his tail segment. "They don't think correctly...They're built to tear down others based on their insecurities," he slowly wrapped himself around her. "You're not useless. You've defended our tower from harm so many times. You've chased off the blue shapes more than a handful of times, and you'd have to be strong to do that," Annihilate nuzzled his face into her cheek. "You're amazing, Spow, and the best partner I could ever wish for..." He smiled, his sharp fangs sticking out. Spow started to sob a bit more, but smiled, "Thank you so much Annihilate..." She began, "Y-You mean the world to me. I'm glad I'm not useless – I've been so insecure about it and...I feel like my height makes me weak." Annihilate ran the spikes on his tail segment through Spow's hair and he whispered, "Your height doesn't reflect the size of your heart."

Spow shivered a bit at the words, and nodded. "Thank you so much...I love you so much," she wiped the tears from her eyes, feeling herself relax as Annihilate ran his spikes through her hair. "I love you too, Spow, and I'll never stop," he said affectionately. "Whenever you're ready, we can return home," he nodded a bit. "I think I'd like to stay like this for a bit," she said with a small chuckle. Annihilate tightened his grip a bit and nodded, "Of course...Get comfortable, my love," Spow laid her head down on one of his spiky segments and she sighed, feeling better already. What would she do without him?

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