Meet My Parents

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"Fuck-I-I'm close, babe," Gerard panted, arching his back as his boyfriend thrusted into him mercilessly, making the bed bang against the wall. Frank dug his nails into his boyfriend's feminine hips as he pounded into his abused hole while getting closer to his own orgasm. "Cum for me, baby" He said through a fit of pants and moans.

It only took a few more thrusts for Gerard to release all over the bedsheets, letting out a string of curses, and screaming his boyfriend's name.

When Gerard tightened around Frank, it sent him over the edge, and he came deep inside of his boyfriend. He pulled out, watching his cum drip down Gerard's thighs and wiped some of it it up with his pointer and middle finger before putting his fingers up to his lover's lips. Gerard licked and sucked all of the cum off of Frank's fingers then swallowed it while maintaining eye contact.

He licked his lips and got off his hands and knees, laying down. Frank smirked and got on top of Gerard, kissing down his neck. "You're such a slut, babe" Frank said, kissing down Gerard's body. Gerard moaned softly and tangled his fingers in his boyfriend's hair, pushing his head down.

Frank gladly took Gerard's cock in his mouth, making him tug on his hair and moan.

However, Gerard's phone started to ring. "Answer it while I suck you off," Frank said when he pulled off, pumping Gerard until he was fully hard again. Gerard nodded and answered. "H-Hello?"

Frank took Gerard in his mouth again, bobbing his head. Gerard bit his lip "Hi ... Ah-Oh! Oh, nothing, j-just hanging out with Frank..."

Frank deepthroated Gerard, making him moan loudly.

"N-nothing, I s-stubbed my toe. You wanna meet Frank?"

Frank's eyes widened and he pulled off "What?"

"Dinner sounds fine mom. I gotta go" he hung up and bit his lip. "Babe please at least touch me," he begged, his member hard and leaking.

Their relationship wasn't based off sex per say, but they never went a day without it. Most of the time they would go more than one round. It started as just a stupid one time hook up in the janitors closet at school, but then they started doing it weekly, then daily, and then they kissed and went on dates without sex, and genuinely started liking each other. Now they've been dating for two years.

Frank nodded and started pumping Gerard, licking up his precum. "Your parents wanna meet me? They'll hate me."

Gerard moaned and shook his head "Mmm Fuck-Th-they'll love you, Sugar."

Frank shrugged "What do I say? 'Hi im the guy that has been fucking your son senseless for years behind your backs'?" he thumbed the slit.

"Don't forget to mention all the kinky shit we've done," Gerard said, rolling his hips in an attempt to get more friction while letting out a pornographic groan in pleasure.

Frank chuckled "They'll murder me if they found out all of the things we've done."

"Shut up and blow me, Frank."

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to think of how to tell your mom and dad that I shoved my fist up your ass while you called me daddy."

Gerard closed his eyes and bit his lip harshly. "Sh-shut up..."


Frank was all dressed up in black slacks, a black button up, and a red tie while he had just parked the car at Gerard's parents' house. He gave his boyfriend a nervous glance but it was quickly forgotten when lips were pressed against his own in a gentle manner.

"They'll love you, baby. Just be yourself," Gerard reassured before they made their way to the door where they were greeted with hugs.

Donald, Gerard's dad, led them to the dinner table and they all started to eat and chatter up a storm. It was really warm and welcoming in the household which shocked Frank.

"So, Frank, when are you going to pop the question?" Donna asked.

Gerard immediately choked on his drink and Frank coughed awkwardly. The two avoided eye contact with the elders for a bit but Frank was first to look at them. "I uh, I was waiting until we were both in college and really on our feet, you know? That is... if Gerard is willing to put up with me for the rest of our lives," he teased.

Gerard looked up at his boyfriend with cherry red cheeks. "Shut up, Frank," he laughed a bit. "We don't even love each other yet, Mom."

Frank looked at his boyfriend and frowned a bit but nodded nonetheless. "Yeah, he's right. We haven't mentioned that word at all..."

Awkward tension-filled silence filled the dining room and it didn't take long for the young couple to head home in silence. They never brought up the topic.

They never had time to since they were always doing something; sexual or not, the young couple was always busy.

Frank loosened his tie and made a direct beeline to their bedroom. He didn't want to talk to Gerard at the moment. It was silly, really, but Gerard literally said that he didn't love him. Of course it hurt but Frank never voiced his emotions so of course Gerard had no idea.

Gerard took a bath and stayed in there for over half an hour before leaning against the door frame of their bedroom in nothing but Frank's shirt and some lacy panties that the shirt nearly covered completely. "Baby?" He asked in a soft tone while playing with the buttons on the shirt. "Is everything okay?"

Frank had his tie loosened and his shirt half way unbuttoned. Shoes kicked off and ankles crossed on the bed with a cigarette between his fingers. He looked at his boyfriend and admired his body before answering, "Yes, darling. Everything is just fine."

"That's a lie and you know it," Gerard crossed his arms. "Did my parents do something? Was it my mom?"

Frank took one last drag from his cigarette before he tossed it out of the opened window. He got up and walked over to his beautiful boyfriend. "No, it wasn't them. They were fine. It's nothing."

Gerard sighed and cupped his lover's face in his hands while pressing his body against his. "There's obviously something wrong. Please talk to me..."

Frank shook his head and took a step back. "I said it's nothing-"

"Frank please just talk to me! I'm your boyfriend for Christ sake..."

Before Frank could think, he was shouting. "I fucking love you!"

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