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"if you give me time, i could work on it"


I didn't have much time to work on my happiness but I at least at some time. I had a day to work on myself and make myself not want to strangle my own best friend for basically ditching me. I wasn't excited for her arrival and I had a feeling when she finally did come everything would go to shit because that's just who she is.

She would stir the pot and I would end up flipping out, thankfully Jay would be with me. He was my best friend, someone who actually cared about my feelings and I was grateful.

I pulled fown my hoodie begote exiting my room and walking downstairs, I looked in the living room to see everyone already gathered and vloging eachother.

"Oh look who finally decided to wake up" Eric says as he pans the camera over to me. I froze in place before running away jokingly towards Jay.

"Who am I?" I questiom towards Eric as he laughs.

"Guys you know who this is this our friend, its Elyse our artist friend" Eric says as I take a seat next to Jay, he didn't have his mask on so Eric would have to blur him.

"God you two really need to just say fuck it and do a face reveal" I state as Jay laughs.

"I'm down" Jay states quickly as I turn to face him.

"Wait what?" I say in shock as I stare at him.

"Take a picture with me now and I'll post it" He says as I laugh.

"No Jay, I have no makeup on and I have a puffy morning face" I say as he laughs.

"You look beautiful, come on" He says as he stands up and holds his hand out for me. I took it and he pulled me up from where I was sat and lead me outside. "Natural lighting is good right?

"It's the best" I state as Jay holds up his phone camera to us. "Jay I look like death"

"Put your head on my shoulder then, cover up part of your face" Jay says as I nod and stand infront of him and put my head on his shoulder.

Jay wrapped an arm around me and he held the camera off to the side taking a picture of us both smiling.

"You are such a dork" I say as we both walk back inside, the boys were still recording each other. "You don't have to blur his face anymore, he just did a face reveal and just turned off his phone"

"No way" Toby says as he unlocks his phone and goes onto twitter to see the picture of us both. "That's adorable"

I took the phone from Toby's hand and looked at the picture as I didn't see it when he took it. You could clearly sre my arms wrapped around Jay's torso as well as his arm wrapped around my waist, my head was resting on his chest instead of his shoulder and we were both smiling like idiots.

"I ship it" Cameron says as we all laugh,

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