One Thing......

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      The next day, both Jungkook and Taehyung woke up and remembering what they said to each other the previous night, they both smiled at each other. "Ready for work???" Taehyung asked. "How am I not when I'm working with the person I love???" Jungkook replied. "You are really something else." Taehyung replied. "Something else for you." Jungkook said. Honestly, Jungkook doesn't even know why he is being so flirty today.

      They headed down for breakfast and once all seven of them were done, they all got into Namjoon's car to work. Namjoon informed them that after discussing it with Jungkook last night while everyone was asleep, they've called a furniture moving truck to send the healed wolves and Jungkook's still injured brother back to the castle as it would be safer there for them as no one is guarding the house when everyone is as work which will make those wolves more prone to being attacked given the possibility that their mansion may have been discovered. 

      Once they reached their workplace, everyone started getting busy but somehow, during work the whole day, Taehyung can't help but feel that Jungkook is giving off a sexual aura. The clothes that Jungkook wore today also showed a little more skin than his usual clothes would and it seemed to attract unwanted hoes towards him. They say stuff like: "You look extremely hot today Jungkook oppa~" or "Do you have time tonight oppa???" and despite having confessed his love for Taehyung the previous night, it clearly looks like Jungkook is flirting with those hoes.

      "The fuck is up with him today???" Taehyung thought to himself. "Hey Taehyung, help me out over here." J-Hope said. "Sure hyung." Taehyung answered. "Help me shift these two boxes to the room over there." J-Hope instructed. "Sure." Taehyung replied. While walking to the room, he overheard one of the girls asking: "Oppa, are you in any relationship???" which Jungkook replied nonchalantly: "I don't know. What do you think???" 

      Hearing this, Taehyung thought: "Right...... we only confessed but never really established some sort of relationship." can't lie, this actually hurts Taehyung a bit. For the rest of the day, to Taehyung's horror, Jungkook declined hanging out with him and hung out with those hoes instead. "Tae...... you OK???" Jin asked. "Yeah. Yup. I'm fine." Taehyung replied.

      Quickly, night came and it was time for them to go home. "Jungkook! Get your ass here!" Jin said. "What's wrong hyung???" Jungkook queried. "What's wrong??? What's wrong with you is what I'm about to ask! You hung out with those hoes over Taehyung??? Over MY precious Tae??? Have you gone crazy?!" Jin scolded Jungkook. "Hyung...... I'm in heat." Jungkook replied. "So??? What rubbish excuse is that???  Can't be loyal to your partner over your stupid heat??? Yeah sure, I'll totally believe that after being engaged to a wolf myself. I've never seen Taehyung more depressed in my life with him for like a few weeks. Fix this or I'll kill you." Jin threaten. Honestly, Jungkook felt like shit after hearing that. 

      Taehyung went home with J-Hope and Jimin first while the rest will head back by themselves. Once Jungkook reached home, he went to their shared room and found Taehyung lying in his bed, maybe asleep. "Hey Tae???" Jungkook asked. "What???" Taehyung replied. "Sorry about being flirty with other people today and I shouldn't have pushed you aside just because of them-" Jungkook was cut-off mid sentence by Taehyung saying: "It's OK. Nothing serious. There was nothing serious going on between us anyways. Your affairs are none of my problems."

      Suddenly, Taehyung felt a weight behind him and hands wrapped around his waist. "You're wrong, there is something going on between us. Whatever I said yesterday night was the truth. Please don't doubt my love for you." Jungkook said. "Um...... why is there something hard near my ass???" Taehyung asked. "That's my dick, I'm on heat and my dick is hardened no matter how much I try to stop it from being hard." Jungkook explained. "Doesn't it hurt??? Holding it all in???" Taehyung ask, back still facing Jungkook. Jungkook turned Taehyung towards him and hovered above him.

      "So...... are you offering to help me out???" Jungkook sexually asked near Taehyung's ear.

      "What if...... I said yes???" Taehyung asked. Jungkook just gave him the slyest smirk on earth.

      This could only mean One Thing...... 

Hello guys, do you smell what I smell??? 😏😏😏 Smut??? Well, anyways, hope you guys are enjoying this don't kill me if you don't, there are always other fanfics for you to read out there but, to all my lovely readers, thank you so much and look out for the next chapter. Have a good day!!! 😀😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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