4: Camping

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+Audrey POV+

An hour into the drive, and this was how it looked like. Zayn focused on the monotone GPS voice, Sophie and Luke quietly reading, Sophie cuddling the penguin. I smirk, because I know that she’d rather cuddle Luke. Laurel and Calum were both asleep, Cuddling of course. With a blanket on top of them. Sometimes coupes just make me blecchhh.

And Ashton is asleep too. His mouth is open and his phone is in his (huge) hands. That left me and Michael, not doing anything specific.

I glance at him, and he turns to look at me. I turn my face around. “Caughtttttt!” My subconcious whispers to me. I peek at him again, and he’s still looking at me. He smiles. I smile.

“You’re pretty,” He blurts.

“Nah,” I say casually. ALTHOUGH THAT IS NOT WHAT I WAS THINKING. In my head, all I could think of was that one interview when Michael said that his pickup line was “You’re pretty.” Did he just say that to be random… or? I don’t think he would actually use that pickup line on me, I mean…

“Yeah you areeeeee.”

Still hyperventilating in my head, I say, “Did you know that only three people have told me I’m pretty? Including you?”

“Uh. No?” He says, raising an eyebrow.

I laugh. “Well sadly, it’s true. My mom, Laurel, and now you.”

He laughs along with me. “So.”

I nod, not having anything to say. “So.”

Michael shrugs. “I like my phone.”

I shrug. “I like my computer.” Dang, I think to myself. What an interesting conversation.

“What’s your favorite thing to do on the computer?” He asks, trying to make it at least a sliver more interesting.

“Um… I like Tumblr, and YouTube…” I trail off. “Oh, and twitter is always good for stalking you,” I say, not really realizing what I was saying.

Michael laughs. “What?!”

“Well… Like… You know, knowing where your favorite stars are and what they’re doing and like…” I stammer, kind of embarrassed.

“Are we your favorite stars?” Michael asks.

“Definitely one of them.”

“Wow.” Michael says.

“What?” I ask. Did I answer wrong or something?

“Two things. First, I don’t really understand how people like me, you know? I’m just a normal guy, who likes video games, eating pizza, and sleeping. Also, Wow, you aren’t freaking out and fainting. Wo-”

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