Chapter 1

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It's been three weeks since I died. That's twenty-one days. Five hundred and four hours. thirty thousand, two hundred and forty minutes. I tried to break it down into seconds too, but the numbers got too big and I couldn't do the multiplication in my head. I didn't want to die. I was happy and in love! But when I was brutally murdered by who I thought was a loyal friend, my whole world changed. My name is Lavender Smith and this is my pathetic, yet sappy life story

October 3rd 2016

I strutted into Berkshire high school with a huge smirk on my pancaked face. My nude heels clicked on the glossy white tile and my short blue and yellow cheerleader uniform matched perfectly to the murals of our school mascot painted on the white brick walls above the main staircase.  I licked my red lips, swung my small hips and giggled at the site on the drooling jocks leaning against the cheap metallic royal blue lockers. The rest of the cheer squad followed behind me and mimicked my every move. My group of girls and I were known as the "Merciless." We were constantly the eye of attention and no one could compare to our beauty. All the boys were in love us and every girl wanted to be us. It takes true grit to be apart of our click, and to win our hearts you have to get the approval of everyone in the "Merciless." The Berkshire Knights cheerleading squad glided through the main hall way and the entire student body would whirl their heads and gaze upon us. We would just snicker and brush our long luxurious hair over our shoulder. We loved the attention, especially me. I loved the feeling of being valued and respected. Outsiders looked up to me and when I graduate, I want to leave a good example behind for the next cheer captain so she can continue to run the school like it should be run. With the "Merciless"at the top of the food chain. In the midst of our morning stride, my hazel eyes clashed onto the sight of non other than Charles Grey. 6'2, brown eyes, porcelain skin, white as snow hair and different than the rest. He was fixed at his overly organized locker, not even looking at my girls as we passed by. Textbooks in hand, white button up un-tucked from his ashy blue jeans and, and was clearly unbothered by our presence. I shook it off, he was irrelevant to me, I cared for him once upon a time but those feelings were long gone.  After the runway show in the hallway, we wonder to my first period class, which was math with Mr. Black. I twisted around and waved my girls goodbye.

"You are dismissed my loves."

"We'll meet you right here after the bell rings!" Claire said excitedly. She was the newest to the squad, the only freshman to be apart of the "Merciless" since 2013.

"Can't wait!"  I replied.

We split directions and I was alone. I fluffed my skirt, shook my shoulders, and began making my way to my assigned seat, but I didn't get far. SMACK! Low and behold star quarterback Ryan Johnson, who is also the dumbest male you will ever meet,  ran up behind me and slapped my ass.

"GASP! Ryan Johnson!" I shouted.

"What's up pretty lady?" He smirked

"You are such a low life piece of shit, keep your hands to yourself."

"Woah, woah, woah. Save that dirty talk for the bedroom." His greasy tongue traced his pearly white teeth and his blue eyes scanned my body.

I rolled my eyes "As if"

"Alright settle down." Mr.Black Boomed.

I flipped my golden hair and stormed to my seat in the back corner of the class. I swung my Louis Vuitton bag onto the red mahogany wood desk, which made a loud banging noise. It echoed in the bland math class that was half way full with my fellow peers and their scum. I had everyone's attention. I slithered into the cheap plastic chair, making sure my skirt stayed tucked under my legs, I crossed my ankles and peered up at the door. There he stood. Charles Grey. He was leaning against the door frame, one hand in his pocket the other holding his back pack that was only half way on. He took up all the empty space in the room, he made my heart do this flutter thing that I didn't like or quite understand. We have lived on the same street for eighteen years and we have done everything together since we were babies. He knows the real me, not the reputation I have to live up to. He was my first love, my only true love, but once I joined the "Merciless" all that changed. I haven't spoken to him since. I quickly peeled my eyes away from his draw dropping demeanor and made an effort to focus on the math lesson at hand.

Charles Grey's point of view.

I trudged through the empty halls of Berkshire high school. It was 6:30 a.m. and the sun wasn't even awake yet. I had early morning tutoring available for students that needed help with lessons and certain subjects. I'm the class of 2017's valedictorian and have been accepted to Princeton, Yale, and Standford. So it's safe to say that I'm the smartest guy in this school. If my fellow peers need my help, I'm willing to give it to them. The quiet school smelt of Windex and the walls craved to hear more gossip. My eyes wondered up at the mural of a knight riding a horse during a sunset with the words "Fight em' Knights!" hanging lazily above his head. The mural was painted above the main staircase, it was the first thing you saw when you walked into this hell hole. I can't wait to leave this school and forget this place, specifically her. Lavender Smith was the Devil. Her blonde hair and hazel eyes could place anyone under her trance. She controlled the school and every one in it, except me, and it drove her mad. Her little posy call themselves the "Merciless" and they all had a bolt lose in their pathetic air filled heads. But I won't lie, I loved Lavender once. We grew up with each other and we dated all throughout middle school. We shared our first kiss together and she could create rainbows in places that had hurricanes. But once we got into high school, she joined the "Merciless" and never spoke to me again. I shake off the thought of her and continue my march to the library where my presence is needed. An hour later, I'm standing at my locker with my textbooks laying peacefully in my hand, when I hear them. The army of cheerleaders are starting their morning death march. They do it to remind everyone of who's actually in charge here. I don't even turn my head enough to notice them, I just bury myself deep into my clutter free locker and wait for the clanking of heels to pass. Once the parade is over, I reach into my locker and snatch the rest of my books. I zip them into my book sack and close the blue locker behind me.  A thought then pops into my head. Lavender Smith needs a taste of her own medicine. I can't avoid her wrath much longer I've been hiding since freshman year, just waiting for someone to take her and the "Merciless" down. Now it's time to drive her up the wall and make her reign of Berkshire high school crumble. I'm thinking revenge.

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