Chapter 3

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it was 6:27a.m. and I sat in an empty seat in the library. Nobody else was in here, not even the librarian. The abundance amount of bookshelves were black and covered the walls from floor to ceiling. Only a few dimmed lights lit the rows of books, but the dusty old room was still dark enough for shadows to hide. The thick smell of moth balls filled my lungs and made me feel like I had traveled back in time. My foot tapped the dirty old champagne carpet and my long blue finger nails scratched the yellow wooden table. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I wish I was asleep." I mumbled.

I looked at the ground and watched my heels bounce. I needed to get a pedicure. Then he walked in. His icy blonde hair was freshly spiked with gel and his face was still puffy from when he slept. His brown eyes widened and he gripped his back pack tighter.

"Nope. No way." He turned around to leave.

"Charles, please!" I shouted as I stood up from the table. I cannot believe I was doing this.

"What? What do you want?"  He asked turning around

"Tutoring. I'm not asking for anything more, not even a friendship. I don't have high enough grades to graduate, let alone get accepted into college." I walked closer to him.

"And I'm supposed to feel bad for you?"

"You're right, I don't deserve your help. But I'm out of options."

"Aw, your poor little posy can't help you this time? You have to finally figure things out on your own." He made a fake sad face and drew an imaginary tear down his cheek.

"You know what?" I whimpered while holding back tears "just forget it." I reached for bag and picked it up off the ground, preparing to run out of there as fast as I could.

"Look, I'm sorry." He mumbled. "You've just been such a bitch these past 4 years."

"You know how strict the 'Merciless' is. I didn't come up with the no outsider rule, those rules have been set in stone here since before we were in high school."

"But you could have warned me before you exchanged your blue jeans for skirts and popularity over friends."

"I'm sorry Charles." I whispered.

"It's fine." He walked toward my table and set his backpack down. He was close enough for me to smell his cologne. He smelt of fresh rain and warm vanilla, I had a flash black from when we dated in middle school. We live only a few houses down, and we would sneak into each others bedrooms through the window late at night after our parents had gone to sleep. We would stay up talking, cuddling, and kissing. I haven't been with anyone like that since.

"Lavender!" Charles snapped.


"You zoned out."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?" I asked

"I said, what did you need help with?"

"You're going to help me?"

"Why not?" He smiled

"Thank you a million times thank you! I need help with everything really." I placed my bag back onto the table and pulled my lose blonde hair behind my bedazzled ear.

"Define everything." Charles mumbled slowly.

"Well before we officially get started with this tutoring session, I have only a few request and guidelines."

"Oh there's rules on how MY tutoring session is supposed to be ran?" Charles tucked his toned pale arms across his chest and frowned.

"I didn't mean it like that, It's just to protect you and me."

"Oh, so your little click doesn't know that Miss. Perfect isn't so perfect?"

"Well they don't know I'm here asking for your help, that's for sure."

Charles stood there just frowning at me, arms still tucked tightly. He didn't blink, he didn't move, and I'm not sure if he was even breathing.

"Look all I'm asking is for a private tutoring session, no one can know I'm hanging out with you or that I'm failing all my classes."

"So confidentiality?" Charles asked


"Well the li'brary is an open public space, I can't just kick kids out." He replied.

I reached up and scratched my head, rattling my brain on where we could study. After school? The neighborhood park? Starbucks? Before I could start listing some ideas, he spoke.

"My house, 5 p.m. Use the window. You remember where I live right?"

"How could I forget?" I smiled.

"Okay cool. Now get out of here before someone sees you." 

"Thanks." I whispered. I grabbed my bag and fluttered out of there, I was going to fix myself and my friendship.

Charles' point of view

She's so naive. By the end of this week, she'll be dead and everything will finally peaceful around here. She danced out of the library and left me alone in the darkened room. I sat down at the table she was just sitting at and pulled out my brown leather journal from my bag. At the top I wrote "Ideas on how to kill Lavender Smith." I tapped my green pencil against my stubbly chin and searched the room for items that will give me suggestions. I looked at all the books. "Boy In The Stripped Pajamas."  I can't put her in a gas chamber. "Bridge To Terabithia."  I could drown her, but that leaves too much evidence. "The Shining." An axe is too messy. Then I spotted it. The sign hanging at every school stating that, no tobacco or drugs were allowed on campus. And underneath it, a gun.

Lavenders' point of view

As soon as school was dismissed I ran to my car and drove home as fast as I could. I weaved through the school traffic and didn't stop completely at the stop signs. I was so anxious, I could feel vomit creeping up my throat.

"Stop freaking out you're gonna be fine."  I reassured myself. 

When I pulled into my long winding driveway I jumped out of my silver sports car, bolted through my red front door, and up the wooden twisted staircase. I reached my room and slammed the door behind me, I ripped off my cheer uniform and put my old jeans on. I pulled my long locks into a classic Lavender ponytail and replaced my heels with vans. Then finally, I slipped into my favorite shirt. It was a concert shirt from 2013 when Charles and I went to see Taylor Swift. I remember how much he hated that night, because he can't stand pop music, but he was happy seeing me happy. His words exactly. I looked into my full length mirror, my reflection looking back at me was the real me. No heels, no uniform, no reputation. The girl looking back looked happy and hopeful. I checked the clock. 4:45.

"Let's do it."

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