Chapter 2

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I was doodling flowers all over my math worksheet when Mr. Black got a visit from an office aide.

"Lavender, the guidance counselor wants to speak with you."

Everyone snapped their heads my direction and I just grinned and rose out of my seat. I collected my belongings and made my way to the front of the room. I took the pass from Mr. Black's rough white hands and smiled.

"Thank you." I whispered. Mr. Black just nodded in return.

I exited the room and began my journey to the counselors office. I tried to wrap my brain around Charles and this mornings shenanigans. Why was he all plastered up against the door frame of my first period class? He didn't even have Mr. Black as his math teacher, why do I even care about what Charles was doing anyways? Why was he staring at me though? I have ignored him my entire high school career and now he can't seem to exit my head, he consumes all my thoughts. Whatever. I reached my destination and plunged straight into the office. She was standing by the door waiting for me.

"Mrs. Williams! How are you?"  I asked.

"Fine thank you Lavender, have a seat."  She gestured toward the red cushioned chair lined with gold trim, it looked antique. I'm sure a lot of students have experienced heartbreak in that chair. I stepped into her white office that was decorated with faux pumpkins and other Halloween decor. I plopped into the bouncy old chair and propped my elbows on the edge of her paper covered desk.

"What's up?" I asked sweetly. Mrs.Williams closed the door and sat down across from me in her worn down black leather chair.

"Lavender, this is serious." She said sternly.

She started typing away on her computer and took a deep breath. I slowly dragged my arms away from her cluttered space and into my lap. I leaned back into the chair hoping It would ingest me, and hide me from the news that was coming.

"Your grades are beginning to slip, your gpa is far below average. What's going on?"

In all honesty I didn't have an answer. The "Merciless" was my main priority and being a strong leader for them was important. School had never been a main focus of mine and the only reason I considered college was for the sororities.

"Have you applied to any colleges?"

"Some."  I mumble

"And? Were you accepted to any?"

"So far? No. I've been denied by three different schools and I applied to four."

"If you don't get your grades up, you might be denied by this school as well, and then you know where your future lies?" Mrs. Williams took off her glasses and put her deep brown eyes on my face waiting for an answer. I admired her long silky black hair, it looked good against her white turtleneck. The dark against the white.

"Minimum wage jobs?" I asked sheepishly

"Community college."  She answered. "Lavender, you're a bright girl with a great sense of leadership, but cheerleading isn't and shouldn't be  your main focus. Try getting a tutor, I know Charles Grey has a 100% success rate after he helps students study."

My jaw dropped. This isn't happening, the fates wouldn't allow it. A reunion between two long lost souls. I couldn't ask him to tutor me,  I couldn't be that selfish.

"If you're afraid to ask..." She mumbled as she put her glasses back on. "...he holds open tutoring sessions every morning at 6:30 in the library."

"6:30?!" I shrieked "who would ever want to be at school that early?"

"No one wants to be here at the crack of dawn, but sometimes we need the help. Please consider it, your future depends on it."

"I'll think about it." I lied.

"Thank you Lavender." Mrs. Williams signed my pass to return to class, but then the bell rung. "I guess you won't need this thing."  She crumbled up the paper and tossed it into the trash.

"I'll see you around." I said as I stood up and made my way to the door.

I stomped all the way to my locker, aggressively twisted the number on the lock, and yanked it open. I threw my binder into my locker causing it to shake and I ripped out my other binder causing papers to fly every where. A bunch of people gasped and pointed at what seemed to be a mental breakdown. Community college? Charles Grey being my tutor? No way. None of that was gonna happen. Just as I was about to scream and slam my locker shut, some of my girls came running up to me.

"There you are!" Gretchen exclaimed.

"We've been looking for you!" Claire stated.

"Sorry girls, I've had a rough morning."

"Lets take some deep breaths, In and out. In and out." Gretchen and Claire started mimicking breathing patterns, when something caught my eye. Charles Grey, walking past us in what seemed to be slow motion. His smirk, his dark mysterious eyes, his charm. He was staring right at me like he knew I was thinking about him.  I couldn't look away and our eyes followed each other until he was out of my sight and the world returned to its normal speed.

"Thank you girls, I feel much better now."

"Oh that's grand!"  Claire shrieked.

"Let's get you to your second class." Gretchen suggested.

"Actually I can go alone." I mumbled.

"What?!" The girls shouted

"You can't go any where without an escort, that's rule number 6 in the cheer squad hand book!"  Claire said.

"She's right Lavender." Gretchen agreed.

"No really, take a break this one time. You are dismissed."

"Okay, but we'll see you after English." Gretchen replied.

Claire and Gretchen locked elbows and skipped away down the soon to be empty hallway. I faced my locker and closed it, just to find Ryan Johnson standing behind it.

"Hey sweet thing." He winked.

"Ew gross."

"Aw come on, I ain't that bad."

"Yes you are, you're revolting."

"I'm what?" He asked stupidly.

"Where did you get accepted to college?"

"Mainland Community college! Go stingrays!" He shouted

"Oh dear." I mumbled. I wrapped my arms tighter around my pink plastic binder, I cannot be stuck going to the same college as dumb dumb over here. I whipped around and quickly walked to my next class. Guess I'm going to see Charles again after all.

Charles point of view

Just as I was leaving my first period I saw her legitimately throwing a temper tantrum at her locker. Wow what a sight. The perfect girl is having a melt down. Two of her followers appeared trying to comfort her, but she wasn't mindful of their efforts, she was starting at me. We were having a conversation with our eyes hers were asking me for help, and mine were telling her that she's nothing but a spoiled brat. When I was finally out of her eye sight I began to wonder, if I want to seek revenge how was I going to do it? I can destroy her army one girl at a time, poison them all at once, or take the queen out her misery. I just need to get close enough to trick her, make her think I have nothing but good intentions. I can't just start randomly talking to her, I need a fake motive.

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