Chapter 5

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The "Merciless" and I started our morning strut right on time as usual. Heels clicking in unison like an army marching  for battle. I was in the front and my girls followed me past our fellow peers ravishing in our graceful presence. We made it to my first period and we stood outside the door gossiping until the bell.

"Don't forget homecoming is this Saturday!" Gretchen reminded me.

"I'm so excited for my first school dance!" Claire shrieked.

"Don't forget the theme is black and white, I'm wearing white so you have to wear black."

I don't understand how two faced I could be, the real me didn't care about color dress they wore. Just as long as they were happy.

"But of course!" Gretchen exclaimed.

"Who are you going to the dance with?" Claire asked.

"What about Ryan? He's totally hot!" Gretchen smirked

"And he has friends for us to go with!" Claire pointed out.

Secretly the only person I really wanted to go to the dance with was Charles, but as the captain of the cheersquad, that would be social suicide. Not that I cared what others thought about me, but my reputation proceeds me.

"I'm not sure yet, but the bells about to ring. You are dismissed."

Gretchen and Claire walked away and continued mumbling about who was going to the dance with who. I turned and entered my math class, ignoring the seductive glances my fellow peers gave me. I plopped into my cold seat and peered out the window. The birds zipping through the trees seemed so happy and vibrant. Their blue feathers contrasting with the green leafs, almost like a painting. I thought of Charles, how different he seems. He's not as to be as gentle or as lighthearted like he used to be. I can't keep blaming it on the years spent apart, everyone just changes. Something bad must have happened to him. Then I remembered, I happened to him.

Before i knew it, it was 5 o'clock and I was standing outside his window. I took  a deep breath and knocked on the glass. There he was, standing tall and broad. He glided the panes opened and stood back so I could sneak into his bedroom. When I step into his room, I walked over to his bed and saw the English textbook already propped open. He shut the window and crossed the room meeting me on the other side of the fluffy bed floating quietly like a cloud. We both crawled onto  mountain of fluff and met at the textbook resting in the middle. His hand accidentally brushed mine and our eyes exchanged a look. It sent shivers down my spine like lightning. His brown eyes seemed darker than usual. Almost black. I looked down at his soft innocent hand still laying inches away from mine. I cleared my throat and backed out of his personal bubble, softly placing my hands on my lap.

"So English is today's lesson?" I asked.

"Yes. It is your second period right?"

"Yeah it is.....How do you know that?"

"Again, everyone knows that. You have got to start keeping all your personal information more private. Someone could seriously harm you."

"What do you mean?" I asked sheepishly

"Nothing, forget I said anything."

I stole a look at him, and I swear I saw him smiling.

When it was time for me to leave, I stood at the open window hesitant to climb out.

"What's wrong?" Charles asked.

"Are you going to the homecoming dance on Saturday?"

He stood there glaring at me, his jaw was dropped. He was speechless.

"Uh, I was thinking about it. Why?"

I was about to ask him, the only thing I wanted more than my grades to increase. I wanted to go on a date with Charles Grey. I wanted my normal life back before the "Merciless" had changed it. I wanted to wear my jeans again and go on adventures with my best friend. I wanted to rewind.

"No reason." I sang as I disappeared through the window. I ran home, not looking back at his house to see if he was watching. Because I knew he always was.

Charles' point of view

Then it hit me. The homecoming dance. It'll be dark, crowded, and I'll be out of site. I closed the window and drew the blinds. I ushered myself over to my closet door, throwing it open. I started digging for my suit, which was shoved in the back. It was hiding all the memories that were kept tucked in the pockets. I pulled it out and held it up against my body in mirror. It still smelt like her.

"Charles! Dinner!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I tossed the white suit on my bed and started walking down the faint hallway that was covered with baby pictures and family portraits. I bounced as I walked and I  traced my fingers along the dark sienna walls. I passed the small dark living room, that smelt of cigarettes and beer, when I noticed my father slouching in his brown lazy boy watching the news.

"What happened?" I asked. Without turning his head away from the TV he replied.

"The local pawn shop owner was murdered. Bashed in the head with a gun."

"Do they know who did it?"

"No clue, security tapes were stolen." He took a big puff from his cigarette that perched on his sausage fingers

"Hm. Sounds interesting." I continued making my way to my moms favorite room of the house, the kitchen. It was decorated like the 1970's. Yellow cabinets, mustard colored walls, and green appliances. I sat down at the brown table admiring the lemon napkins and gold silverware.

"Steak and potatoes your favorite." My mom smiled as she carried in my plate of food. Her black curly bob sprung and her smile was as bright as a disco ball. She laid the red plate in front of me and kissed my head.

"Enjoy!" As she fluttered away, I reached for the fork and knife, slicing open the steak to take a bite. Once I opened up the meat, juices poured out of it and the inside was still red and bloody. Just how I like.

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