Chapter 6 - Drowning

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   John woke up on the floor clutching his pillow and sweating profusely. He'd dreamt about Sam again. It was always the same, they were standing on top of the building he had jumped from. Both on the edge. Sam would look him straight in the eye while he released silent screams. John would then realise he is running towards Sam, stopping just before they made contact. Throwing his arms in front of him they would hit Sam in the chest, stumbling backwards he'd fall into the awaiting, jeering crowd. As he hit the ground, John would wake.

   Checking the clock he realised he'd got a good 10 hours sleep and couldn't hear his dad snoring in the next room. He took advantage of this time to do some exercise, he hadn't felt this awake in weeks, maybe things were looking up after all.  

   Half an hour passed and then John shoved on some clothes and headed downstairs. Seeing a note on the counter saying "OUT" he concluded that Andy had probably gone to the bar to play pool. He often did this early on weekends.  

   He poured himself some cheerios and sat at the breakfast bar to check his phone. The screen was flashing "4 MISSED CALLS MUM". This was strange as his mum never called him, she much preferred texting and annoying John by constantly using text talk. Thumbing his way onto the voice messages he pulled the phone up to his ear.

   "Four new messages...BEEP!" 

   "John? John it's your mother honey, I'm at hom-" 

   The message was cut short. Next message.

   "Please pick up!"

   Next message.

   "OK sweetheart, don't be afraid, I'm sitting at the bottom of my wardrobe. There's a man in the house but I don't think he knows I'm in. I've called the police and they say they're on their way but I don't know how long they'll be. I'm just calling to say in case anything happens to me I lo-"

   His heart was shaking as much as his body was. Tears were appearing and blurring his vision. In the background of the message he could hear things being broken and a slurred voice shouting words that he couldn't quite understand. He slipped off the chair even though his legs doubted his ability to stand. They felt like someone else's as they made contact with stable ground. One hand was gripping his stomach while the other was only just strong enough to hold the phone.

   Next message.

   "John honey, I love you"  

   A door opened and a man was shouting at her. He couldn't make out the words, maybe he was foreign. There was a loud bang followed by something being dragged along wooden floorboards. He could hear his mum screaming but he couldn't make out what she was saying either. It went silent apart from footsteps and occasionally a laugh or shout. 

   Falling to his knees tears drowned the floor beneath him. 

   Ring ring. 

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