Chapter 13 - Beauty

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   The bus arrived on time and he payed with the money he found around the house. He never realised how rich his dad had actually been, wasting it away on addictions. Finding a seat towards the back he sat down and put his headphones in. The world became a much quieter place now. 

   Speeding trees flew by with hints of winter all over them. He loved winter. Not for Christmas, but for the weather. Everyone stayed indoors leaving the outside to be his palace. He could run around and explore the wilderness of the town and the expansive forest near his house. Another form of escape he was only now realising. 

   His plan was to go to his mum's house and take what he could. Then leave, forever.

   At the third stop a mass of people got on and he was forced to put his bags on his lap opposed to the seat next to him. A stranger took their place and he didn't even bother to acknowledge them. The other side of the window was so beautiful. 

   "I hope you don't mind me sitting here" It was a female voice.

   "No it's fine" John turned his head and immediately realised his mistake. The girl was beautiful. He had made eye contact now. 

   Her hair was dark and slightly curvy but not black. Her fringe covered her forehead and stroked her face before cutting at her chin. The rest of it gripped her shoulders and spread out below her neck. Her collarbones were fierce, threatening to crush whatever touched them. He nearly shattered from the mere sight of her lips. Two flawless lines that could have struck him down or ignited a warrior in the same instant. None of these could have even prayed to her eyes though. Black dots asleep in a sea of green. He could see himself sinking in the reflections. If he could of screamed he would of. If he could have destroyed everyone on the bus and surrounded himself with walls he would of. If he could speak to her he would of. All he could do was turn back around and focus on the ugliness of the other side of the window. He didn't even deserve a chance. 

   "I'm Sarah by the way" 

   But then again, who ever gets what they deserve?

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