"Let's Start...The Literature Club Everyone!"

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Monika's P.O.V

I woke up feeling something hot and warm, I turned around to see Y/N hugging me, I smiled, I slowly get off his arms, but, that only made him tighten his grip more, "Y/N...I know you're awake..." I whispered softly, he smiled and woke up, "Ya got me," he said, I laughed, "So, go to school or no?" I asked, "Let's go to school..." he said, I nodded and sat up, he followed, got out of bed and stood up, he stretched and yawn, "Are you trying to get attention?" I said teasingly, he looked at me confused, he then smiled next, "Only for you" he said and winked, I blushed red, even my ears were red! Y/N then went out with a towel in his hand going to the bathroom, I was left here, "This day is going to be the best..." I quietly said I got off the bed and took a brush and brushed my long brown hair.

A few minutes later, I finished up caring my proper hygiene, well I started it when Y/N finished; I'm in my room fixing my hair, brushing my hair, taking my whole hair making a ponytail, brush some of it to make it look better, and next taking my ribbon with my right hand, put it around my hair, and...Turn this, put that in, make that a little poofy...and...Finish! "That's perfect," I said as I made a pose, "Well, let's get going, Y/N and the others must be waiting," I said, I then head downstairs with my schoolbag.

Going downstairs, I see my friends and boyfriend waiting by the door, "You ate your breakfast?" Y/N asked I nodded, he smiled, "Let's go then" he added next, we all agreed and proceeded to walk.





It was lunchtime, the time where we all have a break and eat and enjoy with friends, pretty sure that this school needs an entertainment teachers and students right about now... maybe that will happen, just maybe...

I took out my bento, opening it, my bento was filled with rice and some veggies that fits its flavor, plus! it was made by my dear Y/N, how did I know? I found a letter in front of my food, well on my rice that is...But that's fine! I took the letter and read it:

Dear, Monika

Hope you like the meal! I worked hard and tried finding the best vegetable that would fit with the rice, I really love you and wanted you to enjoy your meal.


I love you~

Your Love, Y/N

And just that it WAS from Y/N, I smiled and blushed, "How sweet..." I whispered, I took my spoon and fork out and started eating, I tried 1 scoop, I lit up, "This ish bery nais ai shee..." I said as I chew my food, I then swallowed, I then started eating more of it.




Bell rings pipol!!

The bell rings and I put my bento back in my lunch bag, I then took my bags and went to my next class, and this class literally is my favorite one, Computer class, and since we were announced to be in the Computer lab after lunch today, we special A students have to go to the special Computer labs that include many professionalism, and that means...Y/N is there! and even Yuri and Yuu, I guess I don't need to worry about it at all, I wonder who our Computer laboratory teacher would be...I just wonder too much huh, well doesn't matter, this world or should I say reality is definitely a complete interesting thing, and fun too! as long as my Y/N doesn't leave me, well why should I bother? he loves me, and he'll forever love me.

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