"The War, The Upgrade"

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Hey pipols! I'm back for more you guys! this book is almost to the happy end so keep reading!


The motorcycle's sound is heard
I turned the wheel to the left
I made a drifting sound and stopped
I smiled

I looked back to see the car
I got off and pulled off the helmet
I tightened my fingerless gloves
they got off the car
"Hey, Y/N!" the raven black-haired boy which is Akai said
"Here's your back up," Yuu said
Yuu tossed the crane to me
I caught it and nodded

I grabbed the book and walked off
I felt a pull
I turned to see Monika
she softly kissed me
"Be careful..." she said
I smiled and nodded
she let go

I walked into the warehouse
"Looks like you're here," I heard a voice
"Kristaline..." I said
"That's right...Y/N...the gamer who just plays heroes..." she said
"I don't play heroes, the evil let me..." I said
"Shall we?" she said
Kristaline got out of the shadows and showed herself
Blue long hair, Blue royal eyes, she's tall, her clothes were showing her skins, she wears some kind of robe but long until her ankle, short sleeves, she wears her shorts, and on her top she wears her...erm...I'll just forget about that part

"Why're you staring cutie?" Kristaline asked seductively
I sighed
"So, give me the book?" she asked
I pulled out the book
I walked towards her about to hand it to her
she stretched her arm out to get it
I grinned

the book almost on her hand
I smiled and kicked her hand
I hid the book and jumped back a little
"Oh? so that's what we're doing..." she said
We grinned
"Element Fire! Draw sword!" I said
the element appeared before me and the sword appeared on my right hand
I got my position ready
"I'm...combat ready..."(Got it on RWBY, I recommend on watching it)I said
I charged towards her but was blocked by her barrier
I jumped back
Kristaline got herposition and drew her sword
"Let's do this..." she said

"BATTLE IS ON!" We said

We charged towards each other and our swords collided with eachother

"Strong, but still normal like a weakling..." she said


I slid my sword
"Now I'm using my upgrade!"
I slupmed it down and switch my weapon
my weapon slumped down and it shows my scythe
"Nice right? but no time admiring..." I said
I charged at her again and hit my scythe with her sword
I jumped back and slumped the scythe on the ground and landed there
"It's time..." I said grinning
I triggered my scythe and bullets came out
Kristaline dodged it fast and wisely
I jumped up with my scythe and got my scythe around her when I dropped down
she grinned and swung her sword on me
I ducked down and swung around going back to my position opposite to her

"Let's just finish this..." she said
she charged at me

I got my ammo out and loaded on my scythe
she was getting near
"Wait for it..." I said


Yuu's P.O.V


"Is that the last of it?" Rei asked
I nodded
"Let's go and put the bombs on," I said

we ran
I got my sword up and jumped and slashed the cctv
I jumped down
"You saw that?" Rei asked
"Yeah..." I said
Rei sighed
"At least socialized, I rarely hear you talk," he said
"Maybe..." I said grinning
Rei sighed and signed me to follow

I followed him

Monika's P.O.V

I turned around and swung my dagger at the guards
they were sent back and hit the walls hard enough that the walls cracked

"Ow...did that hurt sweetie~" I teased
I heard more footsteps
I grinned

I loaded my gauntlet with ammos
"You guys just don't give up..." I said
I heard ammos ready and pointed at me

I jumped up
I punched the ground hard everyone was sent flying

I smiled
I saw the guard got up

I ran towards him and made an uppercut
I shot him and sent myself flying going to the other guard
I punched him and sent myself back to my position and ran towards the other and knocked them down

I shot multiple bullets on them and they slipped down and fell
"My work is finished..." I said

Akai's P.O.V

Yuri slashed the last guard and we got in the CCTV room
"Let's hack in?" Natsuki said
I nodded
I bardged in and slashed the guard on the way
"Hey my friends!" I said
they pointed the guns on us

I grinned

I ran towards them
the shot a bullet towards me and I slashed it with my sword
I got near him and went through him
I looked back he was slashed and fell to the gorund dead
"Who's next?" I said




After a few minutes of killing they were dead

Yuri stabbed the last guard
"Let's go..." I said
I got to the computer and typed codes in it

Y/N's P.O.V

I charged towards the blue-haired girl and shot her with my scythe

Kristaline slashed all of the bullets
I jumped up
she jumped up as well
we both faught on the air
I shot her and she slashes it

we dropped down and charged towards eachother
we collided our weapons
my scythe around her weapon and her weapon on mines
I grinned
"You should've think first before colliding with my scythe..." I said
she gave a confused look
I triggered my scythe and shot her
she jumped back with her sword flying
I grabbed it
"Let's finish it already...I'm bored," I said
I charged towards her but failed to attack because of the barrier
I jumped back and charged towards her again
she got up but too late to dodge
I went through her

I looked back and walked towards her
"Here's my last words before you can still hear me..."
"You're a piece of shit to me..." I said and poke her
she fell and died
I looked at her sword
I stabbed her with it and walked away




I found Monika walking alone
I ran towards her
"Monika!" I called
she turned

I hugged her
"Y-Y/N..." she said
I released the hug
"I killed her..." I said
she smiled and hugged me
"Let's go..." I said




As Monika and I wait for the others, we killed the other guards that were still alive

I realized something today
the main room...
"Monika, I'll be taking a little tour on this bad boy..." I said
she nodded
I ran towards the main room
I saw Yuu and Rei
"Yuu! Rei!" I called
"You placed all of it here?" I asked
they nodded
"Let's start," I said
I grabbed my phone
"Akai! let's go! we have no much time!" I said
we ran and saw Monika on the way
I dragged her out of the warehouse
I saw Akai got out with the others
"I found a short cut," Akai said
I grinned
I got my helmet on and got on my motorcycle
"Let's watch the fireworks?" I asked
"YEAH!" I heard them
I pressed the button and drove away
the others got in the car and drove away as well
we drift back and saw the warehouse exploded
"Mission completed..." I said

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