"Our Secret, The Plan, and Training..."

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"Wait...You what!?" 4 girls shouted, I sighed, "Yes we have..." I said, "We have the 5 elements and as you may not know how I or we got it...This is how it happened..." I said
"It started after my parents died, it was a few days after that, my uncle, Uncle Micheal, he gave me a letter, a letter of their secret, reading it...I was shocked, they've kept me from this power the power of Spiritus and Fire, Spiritus meaning the controller of spirits and ghosts, Fire, the strong energy that gives more power, I was kept away from this, after reading this letter, the next few days, my Uncle wanted me to be in school, the school we went to, the school we always go, that is the school...the school of Special Element Assassination Academy, I...I was the student council president, and as president, we don't want anyone to know about the school, so I turned it into S.E.A Academy, how was I, president? once I went to my first day, we all trained, trained our elements as a secret, we only did that every after school on Thursdays, after all the training I had, I was in the tournament that only people with elements would watch or join, I won as the championship and was made the president of the student council, I then stopped going to the Spy corporation after that, our school was now a normal looking school until I met Akai, Yuu, and Rei, they had the same story but they weren't kept away from their power, they already knew it when they were 9 years old, when we all met, we shared our powers and became more than friends, and I chose Yuu as the Vice President, Rei the Secretary and Akai, the secret spy...After some measurements and contract signings, we made this school a normal school, why? we found out that some students had no elements, so we kept it away before they know it, as for the principal...the principal is the headmaster, she knows all the secrets I put in, I told her every information I know about, and that includes your names and information girls..." I explained, they stayed silent, "Why didn't you tell us?" Yuri asked, "Because if we did, the whole school might know who you are...Not only that, the school will now know all about this whole thing, the elements, the powers, all of it!" I explained, "...I'm still not convinced..." Natsuki said, "Then think...Give the book and all of us die, or...Understand and use this power and destroy them..." I said, Natsuki thought of it for a moment, she looked up, "Let's destroy them and get your uncle back!" she said with determination, I smiled and looked at everyone, "Let's do this!" Akai shouted, "Let's kick their buts!" Rei said, "Let's get back to business," Yuu said as he wore his black fingerless gloves, I looked at Yuri and Monika, "Well...If danger it is then I'll accept" Yuri said, "Fine...But if ever something happens to you I'll punish you..." she said, I smiled, "Great! let the ACTION BEGIN!" I said.


A few days have passed, I informed the headmaster about the organization and needed to complete this mission, they agreed and informed them if we needed help, that means, "Here you go everyone, if you needed back up, we're right here, we'll send the fastest jets and the powerful students to you to have back up just in case," she said as she gave us the red button, "Just press this and..." she said and pressed the red button, and the bell rang, "That's when it will happen, for now, I'll stop it," she said and stopped the noise, I smiled and looked at everyone, "Let's plan up and get to training people!" I said they nodded, "Let's get back to business" I added.






few days of training and planning in our secret base at the back of the school, which is covered with trees and rocks, "Element Fire! charge use Flamethrower!" I command, the element fire made a circle-colored-orange star containing some letters that are unreadable, it made a flame and charged at Yuu, my opponent, who's power is water, the advantage of my element, "Element Water! Block use Hydro Aquatic!" he commanded, the element did the same but it was colored blue, the water made a circle around Yuu and blocked the flame that's charging at him, "Element Fire! Draw Flaming Sword!" I commanded, and there the sword appeared on my hand making 1's and 0's appear and fade after appearing.

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