Chapter 2 - Party Bus Engage!

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After several minutes of messing for the seats on the so-called "party bus", they managed to calm down, and set off on their journey. Shakiro was driving the party bus, since he was the only one legally who could drive (the rest failed their driving tests). Of course, chaos would strike soon enough, but for now a "heated" debate commenced between Shaniqua and Penelope over choice of toppings on pizza. Brace yourself.

"I think that pineapple is very tasty on a pizza," said Penelope one quiet moment on the party bus. Shaniqua gave her a dirty look, before replying with the most unnecessarily long response.
"Well Penelope, you are clearly mistaken. Pineapple is absolutely disgusting on pizza. What is wrong with you woman!? How could anyone even digest that pathetic excuse of fruit on a delicious pizza? You disgust me sometimes!" Shaniqua exclaimed, passionately.
"Calm down, its only pizza!" Gwyeneth sensibly reassured the two arguing women.
"FINE!" Shaniqua screamed, before crying in the corner. Penelope just stared at her, kerfuffled at Shaniqua.
"Do they always argue like this?" sighed Siobhan to Gwyeneth.
"Innit!" Gwyeneth replied with.
"QUEEN'S ENGLISH PLEASE SIOBHAN!" Nicholas said to Gwyeneth, mistaking her name however.
"Her name is not Siobhan it's Gwyeneth; if you don't remember it don't say it!" Siobhan snapped.
"FINE!" Nicholoas whined, echoing Shaniqua's equally pathetic actions, as he slumped next to her and started crying too.
"Great, TWO crying babies!" Shakiro moaned.
And that is exactly what happens on a daily basis with the pamily. But soon enough, more chaotic events will unfold. (No not Leslie hall's tight pants ripping)...

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