Chapter 6 - Cannabilism!

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Shaniqua had a cunning plan to initiate, but what was it?
"So Shaniqua, what's your plan?" questioned Siobhan, slightly concerned.
"Come here guys! Nicholas you stay and look after the van!" ordered Shaniqua, in a dictatorial manner. The fellow pamily members huddled over, except for Nicholas, who was body rolling next to the van very tensely.
"Our plan is very simple... EATING NICHOLAS ALIVE!" she cackled, monstrously.
"Is that it!?" asked Gwyeneth. Shaniqua nodded. "Brilliant idea! Now let's go get him!"
So the pamily members decided to eat Nicholas alive. Controversial? No.
"YOO HOO! NICKY NICKY!" squealed Shakiro, ready to rugby tackle the "innocent" Nicholas.
"Oh Hi Shakiro, what requires my presence?" he sweetly asked.
"GET HIM!" Shakiro yelled, as he lunged and clawed him to the ground. Nicholas was in sudden pain.
"HELP MEEEEE!! NO!" Nicholas cried as Penelope stripped him off his clothes, while Shaniqua began tearing at his skin.
"This looks like a scene from the lord of the rings!" said a confused but happy Siobhan.
The pamily were relentless in killing their gay friend. As for Nicholas, his efforts were futile.
"Well Nicholas if you liked that you're gonna LOVE THIS!" Shakiro yelled as he ripped a 10ft cactus from the ground and wacked Nicholas in the face and soon the balls before getting teared to shreds.
"OH, THE END IS NEAR!" sang Shaniqua, laughing.
Nicholas body was then destroyed.
"BON APPETIT!" Siobhan declared, as they tore into his body. Some body parts were good quality. Others were not so much. I'm sure you can guess what I'm talking about.
"We killed Nicholas! RIP you stupid woman!" declared a savage Penelope. The pamily would eat anything, even if it was there "friend" Nicholas.
"CANNABILISM RULES!" they all yelled, channeling their inner Tarzan.

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