my life

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"Nice job today Ashleigh. you did great." i smiled as they all congratulated me on my catch. Being the youngest one on the team was kinda hard but you make it up. i'm also one of the only girls allowed to chase the fugitives and go after guys. i got looked funny when i did it from other people but i didn't care. I sat down on the couch and got ready for another hunt when i felt someone wrap there arm around my neck. I looked up to see the oldest Chapman brother that worked here, Duane Lee. i smiled and leaned back. Every time i saw him i smiled. i smiled because i liked him. I knew i shouldn't feel this way because he was older then me and he was a married man and has a kid. this is his second marriage and he seemed happy. for all i know that is. "What do you want Duane Lee?" he chuckled. "What i can't hang out with my favorite little girl for a little bit." i frowned and crossed my arms. "I'm not little." he looked at me. "You're 5'3, weigh 110 pounds and and your 10 years younger then me." i glared at him. "You're 6'3 and 210 and ten years older then me." Leland came in laughing. "Well the both of you need to stop and fuck already. we all know that's what you both need." Jamie came in and sat on Leland's lap and nodded. i sighed. "First Leland no. second i'm a married man but i'm glad we have your blessing." i tightened up. he looked at me. "what's wrong." i just was blank. "I umm. i need to go." i got up and told Beth i was leaving and she nodded. i got into my truck and went to my apartment.

When i pulled up to my apartment i saw that i had a not on my door. i ripped it off the door and set everything down on the counter, sat down and read the note.  Stay away from Duane Lee. If not i'll tell your father your on the island. It actually be better if you leave the island. I froze. she had to be bluffing. i turned it over to see that she wasn't it was a picture of my father. this scared me. my father was here. on this very island. i packed a bag and i heard banging at the front door. "Ashleigh!" i just slid down the front door and cried. i knew it was Duane Lee. "Please. talk to me." i could tell his head was on the door. "Please." i just stayed still until her left. when he left i grabbed the bag and got into my truck and headed to the big island. here we go.

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