#4 - Let's Talk About It

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I know that it can be very difficult but the best thing to do it speak to someone out loud and not over text about your mental health disorders or worries, whether that be a friend, a parent, a teacher, or anyone. I promise you that it works.

If you really can't bring yourself to do that, just record yourself talking about it. You can upload it to YouTube if you want. I'm actually thinking about doing that. I just need my laptop to be fixed. For those of you who don't know (which is pretty much all of you), I think I have Social Anxiety. I show a lot of the symptoms, I have watched a lot of videos on YouTube about it causing me to believe it more, and I can relate to so many of the YouTubers out there who talk about it in their videos. I am not self-diagnosed, nor am I actually diagnosed. I've just been told by a small amount of people that I probably have it.

Anyways, I'll stop talking about myself, and leave it to you guys. I hope you all feel better if you take my advice or you find your own, probably much better way of helping yourself to overcome this.

-KP x

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