Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

When I woke up this morning, the hazy remnants of my usual dream were nowhere to be found. Perhaps it was due to my anticipation of spending the day with Trish. A twinge of disappointment mixed with a wave of relief washed over me. Surprisingly, I realized that it was my birthday today. Shaking off the inertia of unpacking and adjusting to my new life, I had completely forgotten about my own special day. I silently hoped that everyone else had forgotten too. Before venturing downstairs, I stole a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, half-expecting to see traces of gray among my chestnut locks or the formation of new wrinkles on my forehead. The morning unfolded mechanically as I dressed and descended the stairs in search of refreshments. Lori and Ron were both engrossed in the news as I quietly grabbed my juice and maneuvered around the back of the couch, settling down beside Ron. The news segment seemed captivating enough for them to overlook my presence. I focused on the television screen, wherein the anchorwoman's voice resounded.

"And the attacks continue. A local woman was walking home from work last night when she was kidnapped by two men dressed entirely in black. The sole witness, Julie Collins, informed the police, 'I was outside, having a smoke, when I spotted a woman struggling against two men across the street. I hurried over to assist her, but the men managed to drag her towards the end of the street before fleeing in an SUV.' The abducted woman has been identified as Cassandra Walker, aged 29. Authorities have yet to uncover any leads pertaining to her whereabouts." Lori switched off the TV and headed to the kitchen to tackle the pile of dishes.

Ron and I sat there, enveloped in silence. The only audible sound was the clattering of utensils from the kitchen sink. I glanced at Ron, and his expression bore traces of concern.

"Has this been happening frequently?" I recollected the news anchor's words, "...the attacks continue..." Ron's voice grew even softer, as if he wished to shield his words from Lori's hearing.

"Yeah, it's been going on for about eight months now, happening more frequently. So far, all the kidnapped individuals have been reported as deceased, as the police never find any evidence regarding their whereabouts or the culprits behind these acts."

"Why does Mom seem so distressed about it?" Through my acquaintance with Mom, I knew that doing dishes served as her coping mechanism. This time, Ron leaned even closer and spoke in a hushed tone. " Three months ago, one of Mom's close friends went missing. They worked together and spent a lot of time together."

An image flashed through my mind, recalling the conversation between Lori and me in the car yesterday about Trish's mom. Before Ron could reveal any more, I interjected with curiosity.

"Wait, is that Trish's mom?"

Ron appeared taken aback. "How did you know Trish?" he asked, his surprise evident.

"Mom took me to the store yesterday and introduced me to everyone there. I'm planning to hang out with Trish this afternoon." Ron stared at me, his jaw dropping in disbelief. Then, he turned away, a smile playing on his lips, shaking his head. Confused by his reaction, I looked at him.

"What's so amusing?" I inquired.

Ron faced me again, his voice now louder than before. "Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to go out with her?"

I burst into laughter, struggling to maintain a serious demeanor at the thought of Ron, for once, being rejected by a girl. He leaned back on the couch, flabbergasted.

"Maybe you're just not her type," I managed to say amidst my laughter. I rose from the couch, still chuckling, and began ascending the stairs to my room, Ron trailing behind me. Once inside my room, I turned around to close the door, only to find Ron standing there.

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