Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring, disrupting the peacefulness of the morning. With great effort, I mustered the strength to swing my legs out of bed, the cool wooden floor sending a shiver up my spine. I followed my normal routine, brush teeth, get dressed, go downstairs. My tired eyes caught a glimpse of the shimmering gold necklace on my nightstand, a touch of elegance I added to my attire. The subtle jingle of the necklace accompanied my movements, like a gentle whisper of confidence. The mornings had become a monotonous routine, a predictable sequence of events that I reluctantly followed. With heavy steps, I navigated my way downstairs, the creaking stairs echoing through the silent house. As I entered the kitchen, the morning sun flooded the room with a warm glow. The golden rays danced on the countertops, illuminating the stainless steel appliances. In the midst of the bright kitchen, my mother stood by the sink, completely absorbed in the task of washing dishes. It was as if she entered a trance, completely unaware of the world around her. I tiptoed towards the fruit dish at the center of the table, hoping to grab an apple without disturbing her concentration. The crispness of the fruit lingered in the air as I plucked one from the colorful array, savoring the freshness. Curiosity tugged at me, drawing me towards the distant sound of the television emanating from the living room. With cautious steps, I crossed the threshold, entering a world of news and uncertainty. The room was empty, yet the glow of the television screen served as a focal point. The morning news anchor's voice filled the room, delivering a shocking report that gripped my attention.

The top story unfolded like a suspenseful tale, revealing the mysterious kidnapping of two women six months prior. Their voices echoed through the screen, recounting their release in our town just the night before, unharmed and unidentifiable to their captor. The chilling revelation sent shivers down my spine, a stark reminder of the lurking dangers in the world beyond our doorstep. The anchor's words hinted at a recurring pattern of such incidents across the nation, leaving an air of unease lingering in my thoughts. In the corner of the screen, the details of an upcoming interview flashed, prompting me to hastily record the time and date. The lack of names mentioned left room for speculation, igniting a glimmer of hope that perhaps one of the women was connected to Lori's friend, Trish's mom. The unknown, coupled with the familiarity of the situation, created a swirling mix of emotions within me, leaving me eager to know the truth behind the masked man and the harrowing ordeal.

As I dwelled on the disturbing news report, my mind was clouded with a mix of concern and unease. But I couldn't linger on it for long, as the morning pressed on relentlessly. Trying to distract myself, I aimlessly changed TV channels, hoping to find something uplifting or engaging. Time slipped away, and before I knew it, the clock chimed 10:30 am, reminding me of the need to get going. Determined to avoid the usual awkward silence with my mother, I slipped out quietly, tiptoeing past her without a word. The red car awaited my escape, its engine obediently roaring to life as I settled into the driver's seat. Conversations with Lorie were relatively easy, yet the years of separation had left me uncertain of how to behave around her. The events in her own life had caused her to change too, further adding to the disconnect between us.

Driving to the mall, I took my time, deliberately wasting precious minutes as I navigated the streets. It had been ages since my last visit to Oregon and the few drives to the city still perplexed my navigation skills. However, luck was on my side as I rounded a corner and there it stood – the imposing stone structure of the mall, surrounded by a bustling parking lot. Unsure if Trish had arrived or where she might park, I opted for a central spot, purposefully positioning myself away from other cars. Sitting there, I observed vehicles entering the lot one by one, anticipation building in my chest. Yet, no sign of Trish's car caught my eye. Contemplating whether to wait outside by the entrance, a sudden arrival interrupted my thoughts. A little blue car pulled up, causing me to pause mid-exit, my hand gripping the car door. It was Trish, adorned in fashionable attire and sporting sleek black sunglasses. I almost didn't recognize her; she exuded a captivating confidence. Rolling down her window, she greeted me cheerfully, multitasking as she organized items in her purse.

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