Todomomo (Todoroki/Momo)

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As Yaoyorozo left her dorm room, she quickly pulled out a tube of chap stick and applied it to her lips. What she didn't notice was a familiar red and white haired boy standing before her.

"Oh!" She said as she accidentally ran into Todoroki.

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright." He replied with his monotone voice. After a moment of silence, he noticed the tube in her hand.

"What flavor is that?" He asked. Yaoyorozo looked surprised.

"Uhm. Cherry, I believe." She looked at the tube to make sure what she was saying was correct.

"Can I try some?" Todoroki asked, Yaoyorozo was almost shocked. He never really talked to anyone much, let alone her.

"Uh, sure."

She handed him the tube of cherry chapstick, but instead of taking it, he leaned in close.

And kissed her.

"Tastes nice." He mumbled as he began walking towards the elevator.

But Yaoyorozo just stood there, completely dumbfounded.

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