Todomomo (Todoroki/Momo)

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Usually he wouldn't have cared. It was normal to see some random guy talking to her, she was so beautiful and talented, it was no surprise. But she'd always just tell the guy off. Or punch them.

But this was different, she didn't tell him off. She didn't seem to mind his flirting. And this guy seemed pretty kind and sincere.

But why did it annoy him?


"So... Would you maybe like to get something to eat later?" Awase asked Momo. She blushed.

"Oh. Uh sure! I'd love to."

"Awesome. I'll text you later with some more details. See ya later yaomomo." He winked and walked off to his seat at lunch. Todoroki just gave him a deadpan stare, then looked at joyful Momo.

"Something up Todoroki?" Izuku asked, noticing his friend looking a little down.

"It's nothing." Everyone knew Todoroki wasn't the best with emotions, and he wouldn't tell someone if something was wrong. Even his closest friends.

"So what's with Awase? I didn't know had a crush on you Yaomomo." Jirou said, changing the subject.

"Oh he doesn't. He just asked me to lunch, it's no big deal." She said with a bright grin.



Todoroki sat on the couch, alone, in the common room. He wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling he should stay there. After an about an hour of just staring out the window, he noticed Momo and Awase.

Is that why I stayed here...

"That was fun! Thank you, Awase."

"It was no problem." He responded. Momo noticed he was starting to lean in closer to her. Her face began to turn red, she wasn't exactly sure what to do.

Maybe Jirou was right...

She didn't want to tell him off like she would most boys. He had been so kind to her... And she did owe him for helping her at the camp... But kissing him wasn't what she had in mind.

Before she could think anymore, Awase's lips crashed into  her own.

Todoroki stared in shock, and his left side began to heat up, burning the shirt he was wearing. He couldn't watch anymore. He sat up and ran into his room like a sad five-year-old who just got time out. He slammed his door shut and tried to get his powers in control. Hot tears slipped down his scarred face.


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