EraserJoke (Aizawa/Emi)

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A/N another eraserjoke request! I absolutely love writing these. And if you have a request for pretty much any MHA ship, i'll write it! I do have some rules about it, but I'll make a different chapter for that.

Emi looked into the blue, wooden crib and smiled. Her newborn son was finally asleep. He looked like a mix of her and Aizawa. Nemui had dark teal hair, with a streak of bright teal. One black and one green eye, and Aizawa's face shape.

"Goodnight Nemi." She stroked his cheek and grinned once more.

Aizawa was already asleep, it had been a long day. It was their first day home from the hospital. It took the new parents almost two hours to get Nemui back to sleep. Emi sat down on the queen sized bed and slumped her head back onto Aizawa's stomach, waking him up.

"Is he asleep?" He asked

"Yeah, probably not for too long though. I'd say maybe an hour until he wakes up, or two if we're lucky." She sighed and sat up, then moved over.

"Good night." She whispered.

"Night, Em." He kissed her forehead and went back to sleep.


An hour later, Nemui woke up, Screaming and crying. Aizawa carefully lifted his wife's arm off of him and got up. He knew Emi would probably tell him she could have gotten up, but she deserved some sleep.

Aizawa picked up the newborn and craddeled Nemi in his arms.

"Shhhh, it's alright." He cooed. Nemi stopped crying after a few minutes of Aizawa slowly rocking him back and forth.

Emi looked at him from the door frame and grinned.

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