Chapter 14

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(A/N: hello loves. It's MadisonHarsch. Bella and I are writing a story together. It's on my page if you wanna check it out. It's called "Magcon Imagines" there's 4 chapters up already. Go check it out?)

*Madison POV*

Today's Cass's birthday party.

I need to get Cass out of the house

Tomorrow's her birthday but we leave for magcon tomorrow so were doing her party today

"Cassssssssss" I sing skipping down the hall to her room

"Madssssssss" she sings back

"Lets go somewhere" I say

"Okay" she says getting her shoes on

We get in the car and we start driving

I decided to text cam

~Text Convo~



M-we just left the house


M-do I need to pick anything up

C-uhhhhhh no I don't think so

M-okay. What should we do. Idk

C-go to the mall or something. Idk.


C-figure something out babes

M-what should we do

C-something that lasts until 6 tonight

M-are you fucking kidding me. It's 3:30

C-yepppp. I gtg love you byeeee

M-love you to


"Cass. Let's go to the zoo" I say

"Okay" she says

We get to the zoo and go in

Now it's 4

We decided we should take the train around the park then go walk around

We get on the train and we go in the back so we didn't get noticed

We ride around the whole park and get off

That was a 30 minute ride

So now it's 4:30

We start to walk Around the park when we see a little kid fall into the waterfall

We run over to him and pull him out

"You okay buddy" I ask him

"Yes thank you" he says

"Where's your mommmy" Cass asks

"I don't know. Mommy said to wait here and she'll be right back. Then she walked off with some guy that isn't daddy" he says

"Come here" I said holding out my hand

He takes my hand and we walk to the front of the zoo

"Yes ma'am. What do you need" the nice lady asks

"Hi. Um. This little boy fell in the waterfall. He said his mom told him to stay there and she left" I said holding his hand

"What's your name sweetheart" the lady asks

"Michael" he says

"Well Michael. Do you wanna walk Around the zoo with these young ladies looking for your mommy" she asks

"Do y'all mind" she adds

"No not at all" I say

"Okay" Michael says smiling

We start walking Around the zoo when we find a man and women making out on the bench

"That's mommy and the guy" Michael says tugging my hand

I walk over to his mom and tap her shoulder

"What the fuck do you want" she snapped

"Hi mommy" Michael says hugging her

"Ugh. Hi" she says

"Let's go home mommy. Away from this mean man eating your face" he says

Cass and I start laughing so hard

The mother yanked Michael away from me and took him out of the part

"He was eating her face" Cass said laughing

I look at the time and it's 5:30

"Wanna go home" I ask

"sure" she says

We walk to the car and get in

I text Cameron

~Text Convo~



M-on our way home. Be home in 30

C-okay. See you soon

M-okay bye


We turn a corner then everything went black


Hey lovies

Sorry it's a cliffhanger


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