Part 2

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~Language Arts~
You daydream as the teacher tells a story
T:Rose was having the best life with the love of her life,Max.
T:But when Rose and Max go out to a club,something interrupts their happiness.
T:Rose goes for a quick drink while Max continues to dance on the dance floor.
T:Soon later after Rose leaves,a girl dances her way to Max.
You turn your head slowly towards the teacher
T:Rose later finds herself all alone,Max is nowhere in sight.
T:She tries to find his car,but that's gone too.
T:Rose was heartbroken,after all the years of love and happiness,he just ended it all just like that.
T:Max was later found in his apartment,drunk.
T:Rose found wine stained on the bed sheets and tissues all over the bedroom floor.
T:She takes her wedding ring off,throws it at him,and disappears.
You lick your lips,with a feeling of regret
T:That,is why,you shouldn't make bad decisions.Later on in life,everything will crumble down,just because of that one,little,mistake.
You let your mind zone out for the rest of the class
You,Zach,his friends Corbyn,Jonah,and Daniel,all laugh at your lunch table
Z:She threw the paper at his back and he didn't even notice!
Everyone laughs except you
Your mind is too focused on Jack
D:Matthew was just standing right there like nothing was happening!
Everyone laughs except you,again
A couple minutes later,you see a girl enter the cafeteria
You seem curious about her,so you watch as she walks to a lunch table
Once you see who's lunch table that is,your heart explodes
Everyone at your lunch table turn to you
You turn around and nervously giggle
Z:I think your obsession over Jack is getting out of hand.
C:She likes Jack?
D:Obviously,everyone likes Jack.
D:Heck,if i were a girl, I'd date Jack.
Jonah sits in silence while listening to the conversation
Everyone turns around towards Jack's table
Y/N:Who is that?
Everyone watches as the girl sits on Jack's lap
Z:I don't know,Jack never told me about her.
C:She seems like his girlfriend.
D:She most likely is.
Jonah sips his coffee
Zach pauses and looks over at you
He turns back around and yells to Jack
Jack turns and looks at you guys
You grab your backpack and slowly walk out the cafeteria
Corbyn gives Zach a sad frown as you walk out
-Zach's POV-
I signal Jack to come over to the table
^I wonder how Y/N must be feeling.^
C:Just ask him who she is.
Z:I know.
Jack jogs his way to the table
J:What's up,guys.
Jonah nods to Jack
J:What do you need?
Z:Who's that girl?
J:She's taken.
Z:No,no,no,I'm not asking if she's taken,who is she?
J:Her name's Cecelia.
^She's his girlfriend,Y/N is going to be heartbroken.^
Z:Well,that's all we wanted to know.
J:No problem.
D:See ya.
J:See ya.
Jonah clears his throat,picks up his coffee,and walks away
C:Where's Jonah going,we still have 2 more periods left?
D:I don't know.
Z:He's full of secrets.
I share a little chuckle

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