~The janitor's closet~ You sit on a bucket and ball your eyes out Y/N:Why did I even waste my time on him. You rub your eyes and place your hands on your cheeks Y/N:I just want to...... You look at the floor and let out a big sigh Y/N:Die..... You hear a knock on the door "Shit," you whisper to yourself as you grab your book bag Jo:Y/N,it's me. "Jonah?" Y/N:What do you want? Jo:Open the door,Y/N. You drop your book bag and unlock the door Jonah slowly walks into the closet and locks the door behind him Y/N:Please go away,I don't want a lecture. Jonah takes a few steps closer to you Y/N:Jonah..... Both of your guys' lips are nearly connected He stares into your eyes Y/N:Jonah..... He places his hands on your cheeks and pulls your face closer to his Y/N:Jonah this isn- Jo:Shh... He places his index finger onto your lips Your heart is racing frantically Jo:Are you still mad? Y/N:Mad? Jo:Good. He slowly removes his index finger and connects his lips with yours All your emotions were everywhere You didn't know whether you should continue kissing his or push him away After a long,soft kiss he finally disconnected his lips Y/N:Jonah... Jo:You're not mad anymore,that's what's important here. Y/N:Jonah..... Jo:I know,I know,you like Jack. Jo:But was he going to run after you? Y/N:..... Jo:No,I did,because you're my friend. "Friend." "Friend." "Friend." Y/N:Yeah,friend. Jonah smiled and unlocked the door. Jo:What the- You see Jack standing outside the door Y/N:Jack? J:I just wanted to make sure that you were already. Jo:She's fine. Ce:Jack,could you walk with me to History? You see a beautiful girl run up next to Jack J:You okay,Y/N? Y/N:Yeah,don't worry about it. Jonah slowly places his arm around your shoulders Jack nervously watches Jonah as he does so "What the fuck are you doing," you whisper to Jonah Jo:You might wanna listen to your girlfriend. Ce:Yeah,c'mon baby! J:Alright,I guess I'll see you guys later. You and Jonah wave as the couple walks away You turn to Jonah and he removes his arm Y/N:I'm going to punch you so bad... Jonah chuckles as he walks to his locker You watch as Jonah confidently walks away You let out a soft giggle Y/N:He's such an idiot. You grab your things and you head to your last class ~Outside school~ Z:Finally,school is OVER. C:Now it's the weekend! You walk with your head down and you sneak a couple glances at Jonah Z:You guys down to go to the mall tomorrow? D:Yeah,sure. C:Sounds dope. Jo:Sure. Z:Y/N? You lift your head up and look at Zach Z:Mall tomorrow? Y/N:Yeah,I guess. The boys go back to talking and you slowly bring your head down to the ground Jonah coughs and you look up to him You see him holding an empty plastic water bottle,he motions the bottle towards Zach's head You let out a soft giggle and you nod your head He licks his lips and chucks the bottle at Zach Z:What the hell,man! Zach swings his arms in the arm and runs his fingers through his hair C:I'm going to hell for laughing! D:C'mon now,Jonah! Everyone starts to laugh while Zach places his hands on his face and fake cries Y/N:Oh,stop crying you big baby! Z:Stop bullying me! C:Why you bully! D:Yeah,why you bully! You all laugh as you reach Daniel's house C:You up to play some fortnite? D:I suck at it. Z:I'm down. C:Let me just text Jack to see if he's down. You scroll through Instagram when suddenly you get a text message from your best friend You started messaging her back and a fight happens
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Y/N:Great... Z:What happened? Daniel opens the door Y/N:Daisy's mad at me. You all walk inside the house and head to Daniel's room Z:Why? Jonah makes eye contact with you and bites his lip Y/N:Um,I don't know. Jonah silently chuckles and smiles at you C:Jack said he's on his way. You continue to text Daisy as the others sit on Daniel's bed
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You sigh and turn off your phone Z:You alright? Y/N:Yeah,just headaches. "Just headaches..." The boys start playing as you slowly pace around the living room "Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck!" You angrily sit on the couch and run your hands through your hair "I fucking hate him!" You hear a gentle knock on the door "Shit,it's Jack." You take a deep breath and open the door Jack falsely coughs and looks into your eyes J:Hey,Y/N. Y/N:Why did you tell the entire school! J:That wasn't me,that was Cecelia! Y/N:Daisy's mad at me now because of you! J:I swear I didn't tell anyone! Y/N:Stop fucking lying,I know you did! J:I already told you,I didn't! All the boys come rushing from the bedroom Y/N:I beg to differ! C:Woah,woah,woah! D:Y/N,calm down! Z:Y/N,stop. J:If you trusted me,you would know I didn't tell a single,damn thing! J:I didn't even know you guys were in there kissing! All 3 of the boys stop their actions and stare at you Jonah silently rubs his forehead "Great." J:You didn't tell them. Y/N:Isn't it obvious,no,I didn't. Z:What did you do. Jo:I kissed Y/N.