Part 5

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~The Herron Residence~
"Drip too hard, don't stand too close
You gon' fuck around and drown off this wave
Doing all these shows, I've been on the road
I don't care where I go, long as I get paid"
You groan
You rub your eyes and press "stop" on your alarm
You hear a knock on the door
Y/N:Who is it....
C:It's Corbyn.
You slowly get out of bed and you throw on a plain red hoodie and black sweatpants
You grab a black scrunchie and you tie your hair up and you open the door
Y/N:What's up,Corbyn.
C:I need to talk to you.
Y/N:Why me,don't you have Christina?
C:Yeah,but she's busy with some work or whatever.
Y/N:Where's Zach?
C:He's still sleeping.
Y/N:How did you get in?
C:He gave all of us spare keys.
C:So,could I talk to you?
Y/N:Sure,come in.
You close the door behind you as Corbyn heads to your bed
You both sit on the bed
Corbyn coughs
C:Last night,Jack's girlfriend added me on snap,I obviously added her back.
You walk up to your closet mirror as you fix your hair
C:She immediately sent me a chat right as I accepted her request.
C:She said "Hey,aren't you Jack's cute friend?"
Y/N:Sneaky little....
C:I replied with "I wouldn't say cute,but yeah."
You roll your eyes as you grab your hairbrush
C:Then she started asking me personal questions like,"are you a virgin","have you ever kissed someone before","do you plan on marrying someone".
You apply mascara as Corbyn continues telling his story
C:I didn't answer any of them because I didn't feel comfortable sharing that information with her.
Corbyn takes his phone out of his pocket and heads to your direction
Y/N:She seems suspicious.
He shows you the conversation
Cecelia💓💫😩:Could you send in some pics of you? 💖
Cecelia💓💫😩:I'll send some back😘
Me:You should be saying this to Jack,not me.
Cecelia💓💫😩:There's no harm in sending little innocent pictures☺️
Me:No thanks...
Cecelia💓💫😩:Maybe next time then💕
Cecelia💓💫😩:I'll see you at school,cutie💗🔥
He takes his phone back and puts it in his pocket
Y/N:You should tell Jack.
You fluff your hair
C:But I think he really likes her.
Y/N:You think so?
C:He's always talking about how great she is.
Y/N:Oh,well then she needs to be exposed.
Y/N:Nobody should be treating Jack like that!
Y/N:He doesn't deserve to be cheated on!
C:Y/N,your jealousy is kicking in.
Y/N:I don't like him.
C:Oh,so then you like Jonah?
Y/N:I don't like anyone!
C:Something is telling me otherwise.
Y/N:Go home,jackass.
Corbyn giggles
C:I won't say anything!
Zach comes bursting through your door
The loud door bang causes you to fall onto Corbyn's chest
Z:What's wrong!
Corbyn catches your trip
Corbyn looks at you and gently pushes you away
Z:Don't you have a girlfriend.
Y/N:Zach,go away.
Z:Don't you have a girlfriend.
C:Yeah,but we weren't doing anything bad.
Y/N:Zach,just go.
Z:Get out,Corbyn.
C:What did I do!
Z:Get out now.
C:We we're talking!
Z:You can forget about going to the mall.
Corbyn grabs his jacket and walks out the room
Zach pushs Corbyn into the wall as he walks past him
Y/N:Zach,why did you do that!
You run after him
Zach rolls his eyes and walks back into his room
Corbyn turns around
Y/N:Sorry for yelling at you.
C:Don't stress about it.
Y/N:I'm sorry.
C:It's fine,but I'm pretty sure your brother hates me now.
Y/N:Don't worry about him,he's just a sensitive asshole.
Corbyn smiles at you and exits the house
You sigh as you walk to Zach's door
"It's closed."
You hear Zach's voice
Z:I'm telling the truth,man.
Z:She was on top of him.
"I was just on his chest,the fuck."
Z:Where's Christina?
"This little snitch."
Z:I swear dude,they were doing some stuff in there.
You barge into his room
Y/N:Give me the phone.
He hands you the phone
J:Why would you do that?
Y/N:We weren't doing anything,I just tripped onto him.
Y/N:We were just talking about someone.
Y/N:Your girlfriend.
J:Why would you be talking about Cecelia!?
Y/N:Jack,she tried cheating on you with Corbyn...
Jack ends the call

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