D:You kissed Y/N. Z:What about bro-code. C:But Sam likes Jack,not Jonah. "I wanna sink through the ground." J:You do? Z:Nice going,idiot. Zach shoves Corbyn C:It was obvious,plus,I did her a favor. J:If you liked me,then why did you kiss Jonah? Jo:It was the other way around. J:Huh? Jo:I kissed her,she didn't make the first move. Y/N:I kissed you back,that's just as bad. Jo:Yeah,but I kissed you because you weren't in the happiest state of mood. C:Can we just calm down and get this over with,guys,just forget about it. D:Yeah,he didn't mean it in a relationship way,he meant it as in a friendship way. Jo:Yeah,it didn't mean anything. Daniel,Corbyn,Jonah,and Zach go back to Daniel's room and you and Jack continue talking J:Sorry for getting mad at you. "It didn't mean anything?" "Not even the slightest bit of emotion?" "He doesn't even care!" "It meant so much to m-" J:Hey,Y/N? J:You there? Y/N:Oh,sorry. J:I said I'm sorry. Y/N:It's fine,you didn't know. "I didn't know either..." J:So...friends again? "He's not even gonna ask me if I wanna be his girlfriend?" "Oh,right,Cecelia..." J:Y/N,you're zoning out again. Y/N:Sorry... J:Friends? You sigh Y/N:Sure... You and Jack both head inside and hang out for more than an hour ~2 hours later~ You check your phone and see the messages from Daisy
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You decide to answer them
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Another fight between you two happens
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All 6 of you walk out the house Z:You're so fucking bad at Fortnite. C:Hey,I got 2 victory royales. Z:I got 4. C:... Z:Trash. C:Oh,shut up. You pull Jonah away from the others and you two talk by a tree Jo:Y/N,what are you doing? Y/N:You know my friend Daisy? Jo:Obviously,you text her every day. Y/N:Well,we got in 2 fights because of you. Jo:Me? Jo:Why me? Y/N:Well someone told Jack that we kissed,he told Daisy,and now she's mad. Jo:Why would she be mad? Y/N:Jonah,she likes you. Jo:Well I only like y- Jonah coughs Jo:I don't have any feelings towards her. Y/N:Well,when she comes up to you,tell her that. Jo:Are you trying to get back at her? Y/N:Not necessarily. Jonah shares a little laugh Jo:Okay. You smile at him as you two walk back with the others Z:I'M OBVIOUSLY BETTER AT FORTNITE THAN YOU ALL! You and Jonah look at each other and share smiles C:I'VE GOTTEN 6 VICTORY ROYALES IN A ROW,BEFORE! Z:I'VE GOTTEN 7 BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN BORN! D:Zach,you're younger than him. Z:.... Corbyn and Zach playfully push each other C:Alright asshole,you need a nap. Z:Ready to go,Y/N? Y/N:Yeah. You and Zach wave to the others and you both start walking home You take another glance at Jonah as you walk away Jack sees your glance •Jack's POV• "Did I just see Y/N glance at Jonah?" "I thought they said she liked me,not him." "..." "It probably meant nothing." "..." "Or did it..." •Normal POV• ~The Herron House~ Z:"YOU'LL BELIEVE GOD IS A WOMANNN!" Y/N:SHUT UPPP!! Z:NOOOO!! You change the song Z:"AIN'T GOT NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY!!" Y/N:OH MY GODDDD!!! You plug your ears with your fingers as you run up to your bedroom Z:"SO I'M PICKING IT UP,PICKING IT UP!" Zach's voice fades away as you walk into your room Y/N:Jesus Christ. You sit on the edge of your bed as you scroll through Instagram You get a Snapchat notification that reads "Jack Avery has added you as a friend!" You go to Snapchat and you accept his request After you accept his friend request,you get another notification "Jack Avery has sent you a chat!" You check the chat and you both start chatting J:"Hey,Y/N." Y/N:"Hey." J:"Do you know if Jonah is dating anyone?" J:"He rarely speaks to me,and since you're so close to him,I thought you'd know." Y/N:"Why do you wanna know?" J:"I'm just asking." Y/N:"Um,no,he's currently single." J:"Really?" Y/N:"Yeah" J:"Oh,okay,thanks for telling me." Y/N:"You're welcome..." He leaves you on opened "...." You shrug and continue scrolling through Instagram for the rest of the night