Your typical P.E. teacher (Germany)

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I am soooo sorry I didn't update SnakeWolf...please forgive meeee xc! Anyways, here is my second request by the same person SnakeWolf! and another person named Ducky-awesome X3 Germany x reader~! And Ducky-awesome u r going to kill me with this Ludwig thing!!!


(Germany x reader)

Your Pov~

People in earth I have a crush on my P.E teacher!!! I know that it's forbidden and that students or teachers can t date like that, but I really love my teacher, Ludwig Beilschmidt. He's so muscular, polite, sexy, and very strict. He is just perfect!

Mostly all of the girls in my high school loves him too for different kind of reasons. Not all of them like him, but there is also girls who loves my technology teacher, Kiku. My friend _____ loves Mr. Honda to death!

Weird right? Too bad Mr. Honda already has a wife, so that means _______ has to suffer looking at that. But Mr. Beilschmidt doesn't have a girlfriend and he's only 20 years old and I'm only a senior and 17 years old.

Ludwig is my best friend too and we keep that as a secret so the principal or students don't know which is exciting. I'm also happy that I have him for the last period in 7th! I like the best to be last to be honest and sometimes I do hate waiting though.

Today I was bored in my technology class and _______ is in that same class with me as well. She always pays attention to him like a magnet or something I guess....I still don't see how technology is amazing or amusing to her, but meh it's probably the teacher I guess.

"______ Mr. Honda is so kawaii!!!!" She squealed and stared at him in daggers as I rolled my eyes and facepalmed my face. "He's not that cute in my opinion!" I whispered and teased her as she slapped me playfully and whined. "Nuuuuuu he's sexy, plain amazingly cute, and quite a quiet person."


I picked up my books as the bell rang and I saw ______ talking to Mr. Honda when I left. I wonder what for? Who cares, I was happy I got out of that stupid lame class. Next was my 5th period class which was ughhhhh English! My teacher is Mr. Kirkland git! He's so tsundere and makes you act like a fancy lady or gentlemen.

I was with my other friend, ______ and thank lord she has no crushes on any teacher, so she won't annoy me like _____.

After that scone bastard's class I went to my sixth period class. History wasn't that bad because my teacher was a nice person named Mr. Karpusi and damn that guy has a lot of cats everywhere inside his class!

He must really loves his cats, and he talks slow which is a good thing so, we never have any history tests or assignments. When class was over, I happily speed walked to P.E to see Luddyyyyy!!! As I got there I saw a group of sluts talking to my man! My Freaking Man Bros!!!

I saw him laugh and pat one of the sluts head which got me upset and my heart sink into a depression feeling. He's never pat my head before but them and when he talks to's always a distant conversation about school and nothing more and these girls always come up with questions or great conversations to Germany.

I never come up with nothing good because I stutter or blush in front of him. I faced the fact trying to ignore all of them and started to change on my gym clothes and got out seeing that Mr. Beilschmidt was alone waiting for all of us to get out.

I saw Feliciana Vargas come out and as her clumsy self, she fell on Germany's bare chest which cause her to blush as I stared and Ludwig smile. Feliciana was my friend and I really don't hate her because she's sweet and nice to me. She doesn't have any feelings for Germany, but I'm guessing he does and I can feel that he's so obvious, even if Feliciana doesn't know it cause she's clueless at times like this.

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