Shy Love (Canada)

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This was requested by EnglandsScones! Oh, and thank you so much for requesting Canada! I really love the Canadian~! He's just so cute and so shy and sweet!
            (Shy!Reader x Canada)

Canada's Pov:

"She's so p-pretty F-France! How do I tell h-her I really l-love her?" I looked at ______ sitting at the back of the table. She is so shy and she never really talked at all except to the teachers and that's apparently it. I sat all the way to the front and right behind me was my papa France. I always talk to him when no one notices me like my stupid brother America.

"Just ask her out on a date! It's not that hard, it's easy!" He smiled and pushed me towards her. Eventually I didn't know what to say and she wasn't even looking at me because obviously she was reading a really good book.

I wonder if she notices me, hmm I hope she can, I'd be really happy if she does notice me. I turned around and saw that papa was gone already. Crap. She was still reading maybe I can just walk away slowly so she won't see me that I was right in front of her. It was already too late. She saw me immediately, she really saw me and looked s-straight at m-me.

"H-hello!" I spoke quietly and fiddled with my fingers hiding my face. I could tell she was probably staring at me but then again she might not see me at all like the rest of the people. "H-He-Hello!" She spoke so shyly and smiled a little with her eyes closed closing the book.

Wait, she can see me? "Umm can you see me?" I questioned and she nodded very slowly and shyly. SHE CAN SEE ME!!!! I smiled real wide in joy and perked up to see her. I felt myself blushing already and excited at the same time.

"S-so ummm what's your name s-sir?" She asked in a whisper and hid herself with her broken half-ripped book. I smiled gently and spoke quietly. "M-my name is Canada, b-but you can j-just call me M-Matthew!" I smiled real wide and extended my hand out like those normal people do. She looked up a bit and stepped back away "M-Matthew?"

"Y-Yeah that's my n-name and don't be s-scared I won't bite" She nodded and shook my hand with a very strong grip and shook it very fast. I giggled as she smiled and squeezed my hand a bit. "M-my name is ______! N-nice to meet you!" She smiled gently and stood up stretching a bit. I giggled softly and nodded smiling "Don't worry I know who you are! I heard your name a lot of times!" "O-oh okay!"

  ~~~~~~Four years later~~~~~~~

"H-Hey Canada look?!!" ______ came running to me showing her report card as usual. She wasn't really good in her Math or Biology class at all. But somehow she looked so happy to show me her report card. "Hi __-_____ what are you going to show me this time?" I smiled as she hugged me and pointed at her Math and Biology grade. Her Math grade was 89% and her Biology was 99%!!!!

I felt so happy for her! I hugged her tight as she giggled and smiled. "I like to t-thank you for h-helping me with b-both subjects! M-Mattie poo!" She blushed a bit and I felt myself blushing too. S-She called me Mattie p-poo.

_____ bowed and ran taking off without her report card. I still had her paper in my hands. I guess she forgot about it, hehe I smiled once again and couldn't stop thinking aboot how she called me Mattie poo.

  Your Pov

"Gahhh I called him Mattie poo!" I could hear it in my mind playing over and over with the Mattie poo talk. It kept repeating and made me blush already. I sighed and then got my binder trying to find my report card.

I started panicking when I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere through it and still couldn't find it. I thought for a minute to think where I had it the last time when I had it. Hmmm, o-oh wait?!!! I gave it to Marthew!!!! I remember handing my report card to him to see my grades.

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