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^^^this lovely cover was made by crappyusernames !!! go follow her, she's so sweet <3
the next morning
kenzies pov

i squint as i awake and roll over in bed, turning to face nadia's bed, only to discover its empty. tiredly, i stretch and yawn and proceed to reach for my phone, slapping the home button on and checking the time. shit, it's already 10am! normally nadia and i are up by 8:30 and have breakfast. i don't know why she didn't wake me up today.

grumbling, i take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and change into a fresh set of clothes– a black denim skirt and a striped tube top and my vans. i glance over at the vanity nadia and i share before deciding a little makeup couldn't hurt– after all, my ex is currently living in this house. don't want him to think he's not missing out on anything. i go natural and swipe the bare minimum of makeup across my face, then pull my hair into a messy braid down my back. satisfied with my reflection, i open the door to our room and exit, yawning as i pad down the hall and into the kitchen. i assume nadia is up and waiting for me with breakfast, as usual, which is why i'm shocked when i see the kitchen is perfectly empty.

that is, of course, except for the person sitting on the white barstool pulled away from the kitchen island. by name, johnny orlando.

"morning." johnny says, looking up from his phone and setting his mug of coffee down.

i hold my head high and ignore him, walking around the island to the other side, popping in two slices of toast. while it toasts, i busy myself by getting butter and a knife. i head back to the toaster slowly and set the items down, avoiding looking at johnny. mind you how difficult this was, as he was right across the counter from me, and staring right at me with a sad, barely there smile.

"how long are you going to ignore me for?" he asks quietly. i don't answer. he sighs. "okay, well, lauren and nadia are out shopping."

i don't answer again, and even though i'm not jealous they went without me— i know they're both my best friends, and we don't have to compete for that— i am angry that they left me alone with john. nadia had no clue, but lauren should have known. or perhaps she did it on purpose. she always did love me and john dating.

"okay, mackenzie, what can i do to get you to forgive me?" johnny asks, desperation edging his words. i twirl a strand of stray hair around my finger, willing the toast to pop out of the toaster so i can leave. johnny sighs audibly and gets up, placing his cup in the sink noisily. i wince at the clatter and whirl around to glare at him.

"what?" johnny groans, clearly exasperated.

"okay, fine! you want me to forgive you?" i ask. he nods, seemingly confused. "break up with nadia if you don't love her, and this time, wait longer than a fucking week to get a new girl!" with this, i turn around and head off to my room, slamming the door behind me, barely managing to hold my tears in. the second the door closes, i start sobbing and lay down on my bed. i stay like this for a few minutes, sobbing my heart out and feeling my eyes go numb. eventually, i hear a timid knock at the door before it creaks open and a pair of footsteps that don't belong to nadia or lauren clump in. johnny's.

"i'm sorry, mack." his voice cracks, and i can tell he's holding back tears too. i wipe my eyes quickly and sit up. he sits down next to me on the bed, and i finally look him in the eye. and then my heart sort of melts. he just looks so innocent and concerned, concerned about me. and he looks so gorgeous, with his perfect brown hair and striking green eyes and light freckles that dot his cheekbones.

"i know." i finally say, and it's the only thing i can manage. because i'm not over him. johnny smiles faintly and envelopes me in a gentle hug.

"i really shouldn't have done that. i regret it every day. i'm so sorry, kenz ." he whispers as we hug. i bury my head in his shoulder, muffling my voice as i respond i forgive you. he pulls away and we smile at each other, and i want more than anything for us to have never broken up, to still be together, to not have feelings for my best friends boyfriend. but what can i do?

he was my boyfriend first.

hi this is a short ugly chapter sorry 🤠 didn't even wanna post it but figured it's better than nothing! (that's my whole mood with this book- for sure not my best work sorry ab that). ps if u wanna be friends dm me i'm bored lols :)

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