Chapter 7

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        "You really think you can keep me up all night?"  He asked, smiling a little.

        "Of course," I smiled back, "as long as you don't fall asleep, you'll be fine."

        "Well I guess that's alright since we already slept today," he said.

        "Plus, we'll have all the privacy in the world," I said as I pressed my lips against his once more.

        A small moan escaped his lips before he kissed me back.  He is so adorable.  Kissing him feels more right than any girl I've ever had before.  It's almost as if his lips were meant for mine.  Some sort of divine predetermined miracle of my life has opened a door to a new beginning.  The best of beginning.  A long life with Aleks.  

        I can imagine us now.  Aleks and me will have the time of our lives.  Us traveling, or making more videos together.  We would be the happiest couple in the world.

        Would we tell people, though?  So far it's been a secret.  We can't hide it from everyone forever.  People will find out one way or another.  

        I pry myself off of Aleks just a little.  He looks at me intently.  I stare deeply into his eyes, before giving him another peck on the lips.  Then I scooped him off the floor, careful to keep the bag of ice in place without hurting him, and took him into the guest bedroom.  We sat on the bed.

        "What are we doing in here," he asked nervously.  I wasn't planning on anything other than talking, but I liked to mess with him.  He obviously thought I was going for the D.  I simply shrugged so he would assume the worst.

        "James...I don't know if I'm really ready for...."

        "Don't worry," I laughed, "I just want to talk."

        "Okay," he said skeptically.  He took ice bag out of my hand, and shifted away from me.

        "Aleks, I don't want to clean these sheets any time soon, so you can calm down."  I laughed putting my hand on his shoulder.  

        "Alright, so what do you want to talk about?"  He asked, lightening up.

        "First are we dating?"  

        "Um..." he looked up at me confused, "Well I haven't been officially asked, so I guess it's not technically official yet."

        "Aleks, really?"  I ask cynically.  He smiled playfully and nodded yes.  I sighed.  "Oh my dearest Aleksandr, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

        "Well, I guess I could, if you need me to."  His smile got bigger.

        "Jesus," I muttered under my breath, "Aleksandr Marchant, I need you to be with me.  Aleksandr Marchant, I need you in my life.  Aleksandr Marchant, I need you to be mine."  I leaned closer to him, as if to kiss him, but instead, I tickled him.  "Aleksandr Marchant, I need you to be my boyfriend."

        "Okay, okay!"  He exclaimed.  I didn't let up until I heard what I wanted to hear.  "James, please!  I'll be yours!  Stop!  I'll be your boyfriend!  Just stop already!  He pleaded.          

        "Good, that's the way I'd like to keep it," I said as I finally stopped tickling him.

        "Me too," He panted.

        "And second, do we tell people?"  I ask.  He looked up at me.

        "Not right now.  I know we'll have to eventually, but this is all still kind of new to me, so I don't want go out and tell everyone.  I mean, I'm Russian.  Do you know what they do to gay people in Russia?  It's not good, I'll tell you that much.  I'm not even comfortable calling myself gay yet.  It sounds so...out of place.  But you... you feel right.  When I'm around you, I feel like I'm right where I should be in life."  He smiled.

        "I feel the same way, Aleks."

        "You do?"

        "Yeah, it's like fate brought us together."

        "Well then I guess fate is my best fucking friend right now."

        "Mine too."

        His eyes were so dreamy.  I love it when we make eye contact.  He's beautiful.  Magnificent, even.  Russia births masterpieces.  Aleks is the greatest person on the planet.

        I stared deeply into his brown eyes which were filled with desire.  He licked his lips before pulling me down on top of him for another kissing fest.  We closed our eyes pressed our perched lips against each other's.  He ran his hands under my shirt instantaneously.  

        His touch made my skin tingle.  All my nerves came alive.  Sparks and fireworks went off throughout my body.  The kiss was full of passion.  I broke away from the kiss long enough to take my shirt off and throw it across the room.  I returned to the kiss as soon as possible.  We exchanged saliva with each tiny movement.  Aleks continued to roam his soft fingers all over my flesh.  

        The feeling of his touch was overwhelming.  Every brush of his fingers made me want him more.  Made me need him more.  

        His hands were firmly grasping my body.  He rubbed up and down my back slowly.  His breathing started to slow down.  He brought his hands up to my shoulders, and then lowered them down to rest them on  my elbows.  He was starting to not kiss me back.

        I opened my eyes to see his were still closed.  I pulled away, and his head rolled to the side.  At first I didn't realize what was happening.  Then my eyes widened.  He's falling asleep.  I grabbed chin with my left hand to pull his face back up to face me, and slapped his cheek lightly with my right hand.

        "Aleks?"  I panicked.  He had no response.

        "Aleks, wake up!"  I shouted.  Still, no response.

        "Aleks, please," I let go of his face to grasp his shoulders and shake him, "for the love of God, Aleks wake up!"

        I shook him violently.  Then he opened his eyes.  He looked at me, scared, and put his hands on more shoulders to get me to stop.  I stopped.  

        "Oh thank God," I exclaimed as I pulled him in for a hug tighter than a swaddled baby.  

        "What happened James?" He asked, confused.

        "You fell asleep, and scared the living shit out of me."  I answered.

        "I'm sorry," he apologized.  

        "It's not your fault, Aleks.  We need to find a different way to keep you awake, though."

        "That sounds good, but if we are going to do something different, then maybe you should let go of me first."  He said.  I realized that I was still holding him in my arms as tight as possible. 

         "Not that I don't enjoy it, but it's getting kind of hard to breathe."  He chuckled.  I released him from my death grip.  

        "What do you say about some video games?"  I asked.

        "I say fuck yeah,"  he exclaimed.

        We went into my room.  Xbox  should be fine for both of us.  We turned it on, and played Battle Block Theatre until morning.  

        Author's Notes

Glad I got a chance to sit down and write.  I wanted to clarify a few things.  I know Eddie left The Creatures, but for the purposes of this story, it'll be like he never left.  Plus, I'll keep Dex around as well.        

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