Chapter 6

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        I stick the note in my front pocket.  His hand writing is cute.  When I get we home, I'll have to find somewhere else to put it.  I want to have close by me forever.  Years from now, I'm sure me and Aleks will look at it again and remember all of the good times we had.

        Aleks shouldn't be kept waiting for much longer.  He probably wants to go home, which is fine by me.  The more privacy the better.  

        I make my way out of his office as fast as possible.  The hallway is crowded.  Surprising, seeing as how it was just empty a minute ago.  Seamus, Jordan, and Eddie stood in my path.  Perfect.  I tried to make my way past everyone  unnoticed.  Sadly, everyone noticed me.

        "Where are you headed?"  Jordan asked.

        "Me and Aleks are going home," I said quickly, wanting to keep moving, "see you later."

        I didn't wait for a response.  I just kept moving.  Down the stairs, out the door, into the parking lot, all the way to my dear Aleks.

        He was leaning against the car, turned to the distance.  I turned around a moment to see if anyone was watching from the building.  I couldn't see anything, but I didn't trust it anyway.  Kisses will have to wait until we get home, sadly.  

        As I get closer to the car, Aleks turns to look at me.  He smiled, and looked up to the stars.  I walked up beside him, and leaned against the car to star gaze with him.  A gentle sigh escaped my lips.  

        "It's beautiful,"  he said quietly, "so peaceful."

        "Yeah,"  I whispered.

        It was calming.  Me and Aleks stood there for what seemed like hours, but was only about twenty minutes.  The cool wind blew against me.  Everything relaxed me.   All the stars were glowing.  They made Aleks' eyes glisten.  

'After a while, he turned to me.  He looked me right in the eyes.  A small smile crept onto my face.  I inhaled as he smiled back.  

        "Let's go home," he exhaled as his smile got bigger.

        "Alright, hop in," I agreed.

        We drove home quietly.  It was a comfortable silence though.  No words were needed for us to know that we were both pleased.  

         After the car ride, we went into the house, and to the kitchen.  Aleks grabbed an empty cup, and took it to the faucet to fill it with water.  I went behind him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.  

        "I'm sorry I was a dick to everyone today," I said softly inhaling the scent from his neck.

        "It's okay, James," he exhaled.

        "You forgive me for being such a jerk?"

        "Yeah," he chuckled a little, "it was just a version of you that scares me a little."  He put down the glass of water, and rested his hands on my arms.

        I sniffed his neck once more.  He smelled amazing.  I wanted his scent.  I loved it, and everything else about him.  

        I slowly pulled away, unlocking my arms from his grasp.  Then I turned him around to face me.  He looked me in the eyes confidently.  I starred back with the same confidence as I kissed him firmly.

        My hands roam over his back.  He did the same.  His hands were under my close in a matter of seconds.  Our lips molded perfectly together.  I could feel his soft fingers brushing against my skin gently.  Aleks' touch made me get a little hard.  My blood started flowing downward.  I rubbed my hands up his back and through his soft hair.  

        I lifted him up and sat him on the counter.  I spread his legs, and got in between them.  It was getting pretty hot and heavy.  We were both starting to get a little out of breath.  I pressed my self against him as much as I could.  

        My fingers were still intertwined in his hair.  His hair was super soft.  I let my hands keep his face connected with mine, but still move around a bit.  I moved my left hand up a little bit, and felt the bump on his head.  He winced and pulled away from me.  The bump had gotten significantly bigger since we left the office.

        "Ouch," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

        "Aleks, are you okay?"  I worried.

        "I don't know," he said nervously, "I've had a little headache for a while, but I thought that was normal."

        "Jesus, Aleks.  What happened to the bag of ice I gave you?"  I asked timidly.

        "I didn't think I needed it, so I threw it away."  He was still rubbing his head.  

        "Why didn't you say something earlier?"  I said, making another ice bag for him.

        "I don't know," he said jumping off the counter, and almost falling over.

        "Whoa, are you okay?  I ask as I catch him.

        "Yeah, I....  I'm just a little dizzy."  He said as I put the bag of ice on his head.  He winced again.

        "You probably have a concussion.  That means I can't let you go to sleep tonight."  I said as I lowered us safely to the floor.

        "What the fuck?  Why?"  He asked.

        "Because, if you fall asleep, you might not wake back up."  I explained.  "That also means, I'll have to keep you awake all night."  I winked.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the short chapter guys.  I've been uber busy lately, and I don't have much time or privacy to write.  I'm going to try to keep up the story at a steady pace.  A pace that's a little faster than the last few chapters have been.  Stay tuned.

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