Chapter 9

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About an hour later....

        My room was dark.  Only my monitor was showing light.  I didn't care.  All I could think about was Seamus.  He needs to back off.  Aleks is mine.

        Me and Aleks are an official couple, now.  He is off limits to everyone.  I wont let anyone touch him.  If Seamus wants to try to take Aleks, he is going to be severely disappointed when I stand my ground.  Aleks is mine, and Seamus can't take him from me.

        My monitor finally fell asleep.  The light was gone.  I sat bruiting in the darkness.  My fists were clenched so tight that my fingernails borrowed into my palms and spilled blood onto the floor.  It felt good to let the blood drip down.  Too bad it didn't calm me down.  

        In my rage, I grabbed my keyboard and slammed it on the side on the desk.  It snapped in half instantly.  I kept hitting it.  Little keys flew everywhere.  I couldn't see them, but I could hear them.  A few came back to hit me.  When I was finished massacring my keyboard, I threw on the ground and left my office.  

        The hallway was empty.  Jordan should be back by now.  I walked over to Jordan's office.  Jordan was in his chair.  Aleks was standing towards the door and smiled when he saw me.  They were talking to a male that facing away from the door.  I walked in, and the male turned to face me.


       "Hey James."  Kevin greeted.

        "Hi,"  I said politely.

        "So I'll be staying with you and Aleks for two weeks?"  He asked.

        "That's the plan I guess.  Didn't know it was two weeks, but then again I didn't know you were going to be in town at all until about an hour ago."  I looked over at Aleks.

        "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you," Aleks shrugged "please forgive me."  He gave me puppy eyes and the cutest smirk ever.

        "Well i hope I'm not putting you guys out, or anything," Kevin said.

        "No, I mean what else are guest rooms for?" I said.

        "Thanks bro," he said as Dan burst into the room with a camera.

        "So Kevin, how you liking Colorado so far?"  Dan asked shoving the camera in his face.

        "Well I haven't really seen much of it yet, but I'm pretty excited."  Kevin said.

        "You're going to be here for two weeks, you better be excited!"  Dan exclaimed.

        "What're you doing with the camera, Dan,"  Dex asked from the doorway.

        "Dex, we've been over this.  This camera is my life.  Don't question it again."  Dan said making a stupid face for the camera.

        "Okay, okay.  Just take it easy Dan.  I just wanted to see Kevin, and now that  I have, I'll go back to my room and play League of Legends, or something.  See you around, mate."  Dex waved goodbye and left.

        "Okay, back to business.  How does everyone feel about Kevin staying here for two whole weeks?"  Dan asked, "James let's start with you."

        "It's fine I guess," I said, then gave a smile so he would leave me alone and go to the next person.

        "Alright, how about you, Aleks?  Excited about Kevin staying here?"  Dan shoved the camera in his face as well.

        "Well, I'm kind of happy, kind of excited.  This should make for some interesting game play."  Aleks said with a smile.

        "And how do you feel about all of this, Jordan?"  Dan asked, turning the camera to Jordan.

        "I think Aleks is right.  This will lead to some interesting game play."  Jordan said, nodding his head and perching his lips.

        The whole time I was standing there, I was completely bored out of my mind.  They were talking, and playing along for Dan's video.  Everybody but me was enjoying this moment.

        I highly doubt Keven staying with us is going to be fun.  I like Kevin, a little.  He's not my go to guy for amusement, though.  Me and Aleks need time alone.  How are we going to get that with Kevin in the house?

        This is all just too much.  I can't deal with this.  There's too much on my mind already.  Kevin is only going to make matters worse.  

        I step backwards to leave.  Hopefully I go unnoticed.  My feet lead me out the door.  I turn around and head to my office.

        Today has been a mess.  Kevin here, and will be for two weeks, Aleks is distracted by everyone, Jordan and Dan are still as dumb as ever, and Seamus is trying to take my man.  I wont let that happen.  My fists clench as I start to walk towards his door.  

        They loosen as I feel a hand grip my shoulder.  I stop walking, and stiffen.  Slowly, I turn to see who is touching me.

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