Maybe A Mistake

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I stared at him with the gun in my hand. I wanted to pull the trigger, but something inside of me wouldn't let me do it. As I attempted to, I felt my hand shake and arm suddenly became weak. I lowered my gun and looked at the ground, somewhat ashamed of myself.

"That's right," Cain said.

I looked back up at him. He had a smirk on his face like he had just accomplished some amazing feat. He suddenly held his arm out while using his hand to gesture that I need to hand him something.

"Now give me the gun."

Leaving him to roam this world, even after what he had done, was one thing. But handing him my weapon? There was no way I was gonna do that.

I slowly shook my head and holstered the gun into the side of my pants.


He looked a little surprised.

"No? I'm your boss, Danny. You'll do as I say or suffer the consequences. Your choice."

"You're not the one who's armed."

"Maybe not, but I ain't weak. Now hand over the gun or I'll beat you and kill you with it!"

I really wanted to avoid anymore conflict between me and Cain, but handing him my weapon seemed like an stupid thing to do.

"Cain, I'm not gonna do that."

He slowly started approaching me.

"So you think you can threaten me and get away scot free? You're an idiot, Danny!"

He was soon standing in front of me. I felt a little intimidated, but I stood my ground.

"Now. Give me the gun, or I'll take it from you. Make your choice."

There was a build up of anger inside me. I wanted to take a good swing at him and just leave. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. All I could do was give in and hope he doesn't kill me.

"Fine," I quietly said.

As I unholstered the pistol, I felt my body slowly starting to shake. The shaking grew as I handed the pistol to Cain, and a little voice in my head kept calling me an idiot. Cain just smiled as took the gun from me.

"Wise of you to rethink your stupid decision."

He put the gun in the side of his pants, similar to how I concealed it. I went ahead and followed him as he headed to his truck, but he stopped me as he noticed me approaching.

"Woah, what are you doing?"

"Uh well, we're going back, aren't we?"

"No, I'm going back. You can find your own ride, you really fucked up today."

He got into his truck and opened the passenger window to speak to me again.

"By the way, you're out of the Blood Angels, but I will be seeing you again. Real soon."

He closed the window and drove away. I went ahead and took my cellphone out to call Jared and tell him what happened. As the phone dialed, I found myself freaking out a little bit.



"Oh hey, uh... Danny. How'd it go, did you do it?"

"Agh, no! I screwed up! He knows you told me, he took the pistol, and he left me at the abandoned hospital."

"He knows? Shit, where are you? Which hospital?"

"The abandoned one, by the city limits."

"Sky Ridge?"

"I think so."

"Alright. I'm gonna go pick you up, we'll discuss what we'll do when I get there."

"Thanks, Jared."

He hung up the phone. I put my phone in my pocket and looked at the ground, thinking about what just happened. I let Cain go, I lost my gun. I've messed up quite a bit, and all I wanted to do now was hit the ground and cry.

But that would just make me feel weaker.

I instead just sighed and kneeled. I thought about what a screw up I am and just waited for Jared to come by and pick me up.

Over time, the thoughts got worse. I slowly became frustrated and gradually grew hatred towards myself.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a sound of a quick horn. I got up off of the damp ground and turned around to see Jared in a gold impala. I entered the passengers side of his car and he started the drive.

"How are you doing," he asked.

"I'm alright I guess. But I messed up! I let Cain get away."

"Look, don't worry about it. Cain messaged me and I think things should be alright."

Jared took his phone out of his pocket and open the messages app before handing me his phone. I went to the messages between him and Cain and read them.

"I can't believe you told Danny. That was a stupid thing to do. I've come to expect things like that from a piece of shit like you, but that was too much. I should have you dealt with for this, but I'll let it slide for my own reasons."

"What's gonna happen to Danny?"

"You don't need to worry about him."

"I want to know."

"I don't have any plans for him, but he is no longer with the Blood Angels. You and I however, will need to have a discussion soon."


That was the end of the messages. After I gave Jared back his phone, he asked me for my address. I went ahead and got his phone back from him to put it into his GPS. Once the route was set, he followed its directions, allowing us to get there in about thirty minutes.

"Thanks for the ride, Jared," I said.

As I was about too exit the car, Jared stopped me.

"Wait Danny, before you go..."

He opened his glove box and took out a small pocket pistol.

"You might wanna have this. It's not the most powerful, but it's something."

I took the pistol from him and concealed it. Due to its small size, I was able to put it into my pocket.

"Thanks, Jared."

"No problem. And don't worry about Cain. I'll try to make sure he doesn't try anything."

I exited the car and waved to Jared as he drove off. I adjusted the pistol in my pocket before entering my home.

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