💜Skull x Reader💜

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Even more cringe in a story. Sorry if his character is a bit off. Never had read the mangas.

3rd person pov:

You were a pro (f/w) user. You were highly respected by everyone, even your own teammates. But this story can go on and on about how godly you are with the (f/w) but thats for another time. Today you didn't have any battles and so you thought it would be a great idea for your team to have a quiet, relaxing day.

(Y/n)'s pov:

Today was peacefully nice. No turfwars, no rank, no shifts at Grizz Co. All was peacefully. This is rare for me, im usually the rowdy, intimidating type of person.

Since there wasn't anything to do at this time. I decided to go the café to eat my favorite pastry. I haven't had it in forever! And it was soooo good too! I will go nuts if I don't have it!

3rd person pov:

As (y/n) goes twards the café, a semi-large crowd blocks half the street. How curious... She stares at what seemed to be fangirls and fanboys. She couldn't make out what they were saying because they were basicly screaming. (Y/n) didn't care tho. She was too fixed on going to the café to pay any attention to the crowd.

As (y/n) was about half way to the café, a boy seemed to be following her. When she turned around she was met with a purple inkling boy with no eyebrows and a skull bandana on his face. She just shrugged it off and continued with her walk... That is untill this boy stoped you with him saying


She turned around to see the same boy right behind her,  what was he doing? (Y/n) mentally ask.

"You're (Y/n). Right" he asks.

"Yeah, what of it?" She ask in a slightly annoyed tone.

"I've heard how good you are... I wanted to find out for myself. But now im not so sure."

This caused (Y/n) to snap mentally. No one with even half a brain would come insult jer pride just like that... She kinda liked it...

"What makes you say that?~" (y/n) say in a *surprisingly* playful tone in which he wasn't expecting.

"... You seem... Happy for someone else to insult you like that. Why?" He asked muffled by the bandana.

"I've never been insulted before. You're the first person to do so. So this... In a way... New"

The male seemed surprised. How could anyone not insult you? Were you too intimidating?

Skull's pov:

I was taken back and was lost in my thoughts on how this could possibly be. What brought me back into reality was the fact that she was gone.

"H-huh?! Where did she-"

I looked at all my surroundings before I spotted her going into a well known café up the street. Since I was heading there myself for my regular intake of sweets, I just walked twards the café.

(Y/n)'s pov:

Geez... Can't I get a break...

"Hello there and welcome!" The barista said in a cheerful way. " What can I get ya?"

"Oh hi. Can I get a (f/d) and a (f/p)?" I asked in the most un-tired way possible.

"Sure mam. Give me a sec..." The barista goes to the otherside of the counter and makes the (f/d).

While waiting, the door opened and someone came inside. I didn't pay much attention because i thought it was a randome person. What I didn't expect was the barista saying:

"Be right there Skull." ... Great... This guy-


Oh boy...

"What do you want?"

But before he could answer me.

"Here you go mam. That'll be 10,000 coins." The barista said.

Thank Cod...

"K. Thanks" I pay them the money and go sit onto a corner booth in the cafe to relax a bit.

Durring the time that I was sitting I just watched, Skull, or whatever his name was, order whaterver and a bit of waiting later. He started to look around the room until he spotted me looking at him.

This displeased me... Alot. I didn't like this guy. But he did look kinda-... Nevermind.

"Can I sit here?" He asked.

"... Sure"

He sat down and we were both ... Awkwardly quiet. What could i say to him?

To say the least... It was awkward between us. We had nothing to say to eachother. Hell, we didn't even like eachother. So what could we talk about....?

"You didn't answer my question before. What. Do you. Want?" I ask sternly.

He stayed quiet. It was like he didn't want to tell me something.

"Fine. Stay quiet. Im just gonna leav-"

Just as I stand up and walk by him. He grabs my wrist tightly.

"WHaA-  what are you doin-"

3rd person pov:

Skull had pulled (y/n) into a kiss. It made her jolt up in surprise. As quickly as this absurd action happened, it ended and this left a blushy cephalopod looking at this squid in pure shock and love?... I dunno man.

"H-huh!?! W-what was that f-for?!" (Y/n) squeaked.

Skull just put his bandana over his mouth and blush and said...

"You had (F/p) on your mouth."

Wooooh! Another one-shot done! Sorry this took FOREVER. i was busy with school and stuff and i didn't have time till now. And the ending feels too rushed since its the shortest oneshot ive done so far.

Anyway. Hope y'all love it and a great day/holiday. Luv ya and bye!

*stops everything*
ALSO! Next one is Emperor x reader do expect that soon or not. Just depends. M'kay bye :3

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