Part 25: Missing Lover

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Solar crashed through the window of The Main Hall, bloody, beaten, and battered. His magic was weak, his sword was broken, and his heart had been shattered.

Solar lay against the hard marble floor of the main hall defeated. The heat of the battle was slowly fading. He could feel Eclipse closing in for the final blow.

Then Solar struck.

He used his last line of defense to pierce through Eclipse. Except when he opened his tightly shut eyes, he did not see Eclipse.

He saw Lunar.

Blood dripped from Lunar's chest and mouth, and clothes. His eyes were wide with shock and hurt. His mouth was wide open and his face said only one thing


Solar let go of the sword and watched Lunar fall to the floor lifeless. The frozen expression was burned into Solar's mind.

Solar heard multiple voices, all whispering the same thing, but the words were arranged differently. Solar backed away, tears stinging his eyes, until he backed away to far and fell into nothing.

Solar awoke with a gasp.

He clutched at his sheets while tears poured down his face. Another nightmare.

Ever since Solar had battled Eclipse he had never been the same. The battle engraved feelings of shame and regret into his mind, reminding him of all of the hurtful things that happened between the two. On top of it all he had lost Cynthia. He felt as if all of this was his fault. He felt like he should be punished. Not Lunar, not Eclipse, but himself.

He climbed out of bed and got dressed. He fixed his hair and made sure that everything was perfect. He stared at himself in the mirror and turned away in disgust.

He sighed and continued out the door. The leader of the kingdom, who was once fearless and confident, was now nothing but a broken shell of his former self.


Solar checked off the last thing on his short to do list and threw the list away. It was noon now. Leaving the rest of the day up to him. Perhaps he could go sneak off to a place he and Lunar used to go to as apprentices. When he and Lunar were still called John and Paul.

As he thought of Lunar, he realized he hadn't seen him at all today. He hadn't seen him yesterday either. Yet the night still continued on. So Lunar had to be around somewhere.

Perhaps Dawn knew where Lunar was. He was Dusk's lover and Dusk was practically glued to Lunar's hip. That would be his best source of information.

Solar smiled and continued down the hall to the Sunrise Quarter. Maybe Lunar could brighten his already miserable day.


Dawn sniffled as he organized his bookshelf. He and Dusk hadn't had as much time together as they used to. And now that Dusk left Dawn felt more alone than ever. Even with Solar's company the palace felt to empty, too quiet. He missed hearing Lunar thinking aloud as he contemplated on his latest discoveries. He missed listening to Dusk tinkering with cigs and gears creating all sorts of interesting contraptions. He missed hearing Blackbird constantly scolding Solar for sneaking out at night and he missed hearing constant chatter among the maids and guards.

Everyone had grown anxious at the tensions in the palace among the four knights. It kept them quiet. Everything was just too awkward for them.

And Dawn hated it.

Dawn's thoughts were interrupted by Solar bursting in through the doors. "Have you seen Dusk or Lunar?"

Dawn sniffled. "They've left."

Solar looked puzzled. "Why are you so upset? They'll be back by tonight. It's honestly quite adorable how you cannot stand a day without your little lover."

Dawn sighed. "No they won't be back tonight. Dusk left me a note saying that he and Lunar went who knows where. He said that they don't know when they'll be back. But he said they won't be back for at least a few months."

Solar stopped short. "Why on earth would they do that?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"I don't know. They said it's secret. But he said it's for the greater good. Whatever that means."

Solar remained silent. He let the fact that Lunar was now gone for,who knows how long, sink in. Now he would be left here in solitude, slowly losing his mind without the comfort of his lover.

"Solar?" Dawn asked meekly.

Solar remained silent.

"Solar maybe you should go rest a bit." Dawn suggested.

Solar just stood there, staring at nothing, he couldn't understand why Lunar would just, leave. Was it the living conditions? Was it for foreign supplies?

Was it because of Solar?

"I, I need to be somewhere. Please excuse me." Solar said leaving the room in a haste.

Solar ran down the hall to the Sun quarter. The sun was setting, Dusks work. If Dusk wasn't here how was the sun setting? Why were they gone in the first place? Did they leave because of what happened? Had they decided to go rouge and start a new kingdom off somewhere new? Like some sort of Kingdom of Night?

Solar needed to get away from all of this. He needed to get away from the palace. He needed to get away from all of the danger, drama, kidnappings and disappearances. He needed to get away from Dawn and Dusk and Lunar. He even needed to get away from Solar.

He just wanted to be plain old John again.

He arrived at the balcony and dove off. He spread his wings and carried himself to his favorite place. His happy place.

He used to always come here as a kid. He landed softly on the marshy ground and sat on a log.

He watched the sun disappear behind the trees and he watched the moon rise. On a normal day, this would be all of Lunar's doing. Solar would be proudly cheering on Lunar from the sidelines, and staring in amusement at his lover.

But not tonight.

He sighed and watched the water in the pond in front of him. He loved coming here when he was stressed. He always came here at night however. The night had some sort of calming magic to it that always calmed Solar down.

Maybe he was finally understanding how Lunar thought.

Ok that was a short chapter I know. But I'm trying to pick this back up. And also...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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