Part 18: Black Bird

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Dusk awoke in a beautiful circular moonlit room. Windows surrounded him with beautiful moonlight streaming in through them. Dusk looked out and saw the stars and the moon but there was no ground below. Where am I?

Dusk felt a cold rush through him as he walked around some more. Large marble columns were in between each window and they glowed a periwinkle blue in the moonlight. The floor had a beautiful dark blue and white design on it. Dusk could make out some form of shape but he couldn't see it all the way. He flew up a bit and took a look at the picture on the floor.

It was the moon symbol. A crescent moon with a tear drop shaped sapphire in between the two points, as if it was a hand holding it between two fingers. This had to be a room where Lunar resides.

Dusk looked to the right and saw a navy blue, black, and white door leading to an unknown area. Dusk looked some more and wondered if he should open it. Who knows why could be behind that mysterious door.

Dusk's mind was too filled with curiosity. He had to know what was behind that door. He slowly walked towards it and grasped the handles.

He hesitated. Am I really sticking my nose into Lunar's business? Do I dare mess with the most mysterious and deadly knight?

It was true. Lunar was far more deadlier than any person or knight ever. He had the element of surprise on his side. He was as silent as a mouse and you couldn't hear him even if he was two inches behind you. Also he could control the dream realm and he could leave you be to die in your nightmares and not bother with the shadows.

But what if it's another sign of trouble? What if Lunar is going insane again? Or maybe Lunar is trying to send me a sign. Maybe he is warning me about Solar!

It was final. Dusk was going to open this door.

Dusk braces him self for what was about to come and threw open the door.

He saw a balcony with marble railings and columns beside the door. It had the same symbol on it as the circular room. The full moon was right in front of it. But it was bigger than usual. It was as if it was right in front of the balcony and you could fly out and touch it. But something was blocking a little bit of moon. Or someone was blocking it.

A winged man stood at the edge of the balcony, unrecognisable in the shadow behind him. He spread his wings and stood up in the railing.

"Wh-who are you? Show yourself!" Dusk said as he drew his sword.

The man turned around and smiled at Dusk. He had hazel eyes that sparkled with love and compassion. His baby face was unforgettable and his brown-black hair was neatly in place under the hooded cloak he wore. Then Dusk recognised who it was.

It was Lunar.

Lunar turned back around and dove into the bottomless night. "NO!!" Dusk shouted. But Lunar all of a sudden popped up out of the pit and flew into the moon until he was no longer visible.

"Don't be afraid Dusk." Said a high pitched voice from behind him.

Dusk whipped around and drew his sword thinking it was a shadow. But instead he was greeted by a small creature with big blue eyes and short, midnight black hair. She wore a black dress and heels. She also had elf like ears and grey skin. And if you looked closely you could see that she had two tiny fangs. But the unusual thing was that he had two black bird like wings on her back. Only Knights or their children were supposed to have wings.

"Don't be afraid Dusk. I am a friendly face." She said in her adorable voice that matched her adorable appearance.

"H-how do you know my name?" Dusk stammered.

"Oh Lunar has never mentioned me before?" She asked.

How in the hell does she know who Lunar is? Dusk thought. "How do you know who Lunar is? Explain yourself!"

"Oh. Please forgive me! I forgot that Lunar keeps his Dream life a secret. My name is Black Bird. I reside here in the dream realm along with Lunar. I am his Nightingale."

What the hell is she going on about? What's a Nightingale? I know it's a species of bird but it's obvious she is not one! "What is a Nightingale Black Bird?"

"A Nightingale is a species of bird but I'm sure you already knew that. The kind that I'm talking about are assistants of dream mages. Dream mages are in fact real but are fairly rare. Lunar happens to be one of them along with every other Moon Knight before him. And like the knights we retire along with our knights. But Lunar isn't doing that any time soon."

Dusk's head was spinning. There was so much he didn't know. This new information about Lunar was overwhelming.

"Dusk look at me." She said again.

"Yes Black Bird?"

"You will be visiting this place far more often. Lunar face you this gift for a reason. Here you can keep an eye on the kingdom while Lunar is busy tending to the residents. He hardly has any time to spend in here."

"But what exactly is this place?"

"This is Lunar's palace. It's similar to the one you live in but it's all Moon Quarter. Here time slows down and an entire day here is just one night in your time. The night is eternal here however." Black Bird explained.

"I shall see you tomorrow Dusk. I will explain more. But for now it is time for your awakening." Said Black Bird. She waved some sort of black wisps of air around and Dusk felt dizzy. He fell to the floor but instead of hitting hard floor, he fell away into nothing.

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