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I sit at a high stooled wood table in a vintage coffee shop full of hipsters and weirdos. Ideally I fit in here, red beanie, ripped jeans, flannel shirt, glasses, sketchbook, signature cup of coffee. But I don't feel like I fit. I gaze out of the window at the busy streets, fast cars and power walking people and wonder how it came to this. I'm twenty, going to an online college, and hung up on someone that I probably won't ever see again. I can't stop thinking about them since the time we had a conversation last week. They seemed just as shy and awkward as I was, so that's good I guess. If only I could've talked to them for a bit longer and gotten their name. They looked like an Alex or a Sam. They called me the "Artsy Girl" because of the sketchbook I carry around. It is a bit big, I will admit that. It's simple though. Black cover, silver Japanese lettering. I looked it up and I think it says "bloom". It has a lotus rising from the bottom left corner so that would correspond nicely. I trace my finger over the design now, admiring it. 

"Hey! It's you!" 

The familiar voice makes my eyes dart up and - it's them! 

"Artsy Girl! I thought I'd never see you again!" 

They smile and pull out a chair. They plop down and adjust their glasses, eagerly leaning forward. 

"Hey! Same here," I smile warmly at them, my eyes trying to subtly scan every inch of them in case I never get to see them again. 

White hoodie with a simple black cat design in the middle, black thick framed glasses, slicked-to-one-side brown hair and gorgeous ocean blue eyes. Damn, I could drown in those eyes. 

"How are you?" 

"Oh, I'm good I guess. Better now you're back," I say almost instinctively. 

Better now you're back? How cheesier could you get? What are you doing, you barely know the guy!

I can myself already burning up at my stupidity. I glance up and see their face has gone pink too. 

"S-so, how are you?" I try to switch the conversation to them instead.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Better now I've found you again," they catch my eye and wink smartly. 

Darn those beautiful blue eyes. I'm instantly melting, I can't help my lips cracking into a hopeless smile.


It's been a few months, and now, we're together. Her name is Toby, and I honestly couldn't of pictured a better name. And to think just a few weeks ago we were just some awkward strangers meeting up at a coffee shop. We did find our common interests, though, such as gaming (lightly for me), movies, and books. We exchange movies/Netflix shows to watch every so often and chat about whatever comes up. It feels so natural to talk to her, they're so easy to have a conversation with. And now, well, we're together, dating, and it's all I could wish for. I couldn't be happier I met Toby. 

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