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"D-do you ever think about how, we're like, how do I put this? A meaningless entity made up of bacteria? We're millions of light years away from anything even remotely important or big enough for us to even comprehend. We're so tiny compared to the spectrum and where we live. It's phenomenal how I'm even here, breathing right now, at this moment in time. Phenomenal that I'm here with you. Imagine how the slightest little thing I could've done might've changed my entire life. I could've decided chocolate instead of vanilla ice cream and as a consequence of that, I'd be in a car crash. But, I'm glad that whatever brought me here, let me be here with you." 

I smile to myself as he finishes his out-of-the-blue existential crisis speech. I rub his hand with my thumb as our hands are clasped.  We're lying under a blanket of stars on the college field at 1am. It was an impulsive decision, but it's probably one of the nicer ones I've had. 

"How baked are you right now?" I squint over at his pink face, his deep brown eyes. It's hard to make them out in the dark, but I can see his eyes gleaming.

"So fuckin' baked," he replies with a snort. 

I can't help but laugh. How he manages to get stoned and get it to wear off before the morning is beyond me. I can't believe I'm sneaking off to hang out with the existential crisis kid.

"Hey.." I start. "I've been wanting to say this for a while, and it's probably evident. But, I-I like you-"

"Well I should hope so!" he jokingly intervenes.

I nervously laugh. "Haha, yeah, well what I mean is, I'm saying I like like you. Like I'd want us to be a thing. If.. you're okay with that of course." 

He lets go of my hand and pulls me closer. 

"Of course I'm okay with that. You're probably the only person who would sneak out at 1am to hang out with me on a shitty college field. I probably wouldn't do this for anybody else. I like like you! Now, c'mere."

He grasps my shoulders and pulls me to his chest. I let out a little squeal out of surprise that soon turns into giggles- and then he's laughing too. He wraps his arms around me into a big bear hug, and honestly, it feels great. I'm glad fate brought me here to be squashed in a giant hug, on a college field, at 1am, with a nerd. A cute nerd, mind you.

I really wouldn't want it to be any other way.

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