summer; act one

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summer was the best time for me. i'd wake up late and do whatever i wanted to for the whole day. it was about mid july when i heard my doorbell ring. it was a lazy afternoon and usually people never visited me.

i lazily got off the couch and walked over to my front door. i opened it and there was a boy standing there. i immediately recognised him; park jimin. he was from my school, one of the popular but sweet boys.

"hello i'm he– oh, jinah!" he smiled happily.

i smiled back "hi jimin" i didn't really know him but we talked occasionally with eachother. i wasn't really close with him "what are you doing here?" i asked curiously.

"ahhh i decided to take a part time job as a delivery man, but i'm only doing this for a month" chuckled jimin "it ends on friday".

"oh nice" i smiled.

"also here's a package" said jimin "i didn't know this was your address haha".

i laughed "thank you" i took it from his two hands.

"ahhh i'm so tired" chuckled jimin "this was my last delivery for today".

"wae really?" i smiled "do you want to come in?".

"okay" he smiled. we both went into my house and sat on my couch.

both of us smiled and talked for about an hour. we made a lot of jokes with eachother while we were getting closer to eachother. jimin seemed really fun to be with!

that day i gave jimin my phone number, so we could hang out and text more! i saw jimin a lot more that summer and we talked a lot. i was a lot more closer to jimin than ever.

i spent the rest of the summer with jimin. jimin made me smile a lot, even when school started we hung out a lot with our other friends. jimin was my best friend.

then autumn started to come.

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